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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ioew.

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When Paige’s breasts got bigger, she remained cheerful, maybe even moreso than usual. Even when her gut started coming in, she was peacefully oblivious of what was happening to her. She was the same airy college junior she had always been. Her gym routine gradually changed, going from an hour a day, to a half hour, then fifteen minutes, then only some days. Paige cited weariness, but Tina knew what was going on.

Paige had a newfound fondness for cream puffs despite her track record of saying sugar was evil. She hardly noticed her softening hips, plumping ass, or rounding belly.

Perfect Paige had never suffered insecurity or body image issues in her life, so why start now? She didn’t even seem to know how to, and her friends were all loving and sycophantic as usual, except for the odd glance here or there. The members of Paige’s cheer squad did look particularly distressed.

Finally, Tina couldn’t take it any longer. They sat together at the kitchen table one afternoon in the student apartment they shared, Tina reading a book as Paige furiously gobbled her way through a box of pastries she had picked up at the bakery down the street.

“You should go easy on the carbs, Paige,” Tina said with a pointed look.

Paige’s face fell, for just an instant, and that’s when Tina knew it, she knew Paige was human just like the rest of them.

“I guess I should,” said Paige with a sheepish smile. She looked almost pained as she pushed the pastries away.

Fighting not to grin, Tina returned her attention to her book.


Over the next few weeks, Paige continued to “blossom,” while remaining ignorant of the experimental cow hormone Tina daily dosed her morning tea with. In Tina’s research, the stuff worked wonders on underperforming bovine populations on farms, and on Paige, the effects were nothing short of stunning.

Paige was transforming. Her belly was bloating every day, breasts gradually becoming immense, and she was developing small, curious bulges developing beneath them. The girl was practically bursting out of her squad uniform. Tina was almost disappointed when Paige finally caved and updated her ever-tightening wardrobe.

Whenever Tina felt the faintest hint of guilt, she went back to the email. Drake was her boyfriend of three years, and the two even went to school together. They had full access to each other’s student email accounts for the sake of convenience when collaborating on projects, but there had been an unfortunate instance of overlap. Paige had accidentally sent a message to Drake’s student email that had obviously been intended for his personal email.

And it had read: Last night was amazing. I hope you’re not having regrets?


Sitting back at a table in the college cafeteria, Tina watched Paige arduously waddle across the room in all her bloated glory. The hormone was working better than expected, and by then Paige had developed a hugely round belly, a truly impressive fat ass, and plump, ominous bulges in the oddest of places, like over her pubic region, and what looked like a second pair of breasts, under her bulky clothes. She had been kicked off the cheer squad, and most people laughed at her. They thought she was participating in a weird psychology experiment; wearing some bizarre fat suit under her clothes. Most refused to accept the transformation as real, and Paige nervously laughed along.

Page plopped down at their table, looking flustered and exhausted, her face red and forehead beaded with sweat. Drake immediately stiffened beside Tina, and he and Paige largely ignored each other, with an awkwardness that was obvious. Tina just smiled.

Paige started breathlessly, “So how are things going with your calculous assi—ohhh…” she groaned, arching her back, making her gut look even huger than it already was. She looked as though she was overdue with triplets, her mound gurgling continuously. But Paige clutched the small of her back, her eyes bulging. She released a yelp and winced. “Ohhh…oh my god,” she panted.

Tina contrived a worried expression. “What’s wrong?” She was genuinely curious.

“I…oh nothing,” said Paige. With visible strain, she heaved herself up, tugging down her shirt in the same motion, but as she turned, Tina saw it. The faintest hint of fur poking out beneath the hem, and a characteristic swish of movement.

Oh god, Tina thought in amazement. She grew a tail!




I really like it, thank you :D