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Summary: At the age of 18, while suffering from butt-expansion and unending arousal, Ryan discovers that he is half-alien and he has gone into heat. Ryan is resistant to the concept for a while, but finally resorts to getting laid. Unfortunately for Ryan, this results in a perpetually-growing pregnancy that cannot be birthed until his supply of offspring is “replenished” by more mating. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, egg laying.

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Ryan was tense and tight, which made it all the more torturous. Jack hardly recalled his own injured body.

He eased into him carefully, Ryan tense and flushed. He released a whimper.

“It’s okay,” Jack murmured, “It’s okay…” He reached over and cupped Ryan’s breast in an effort to distract him somewhat. He found himself enjoying the sensation of the warm, rounded flesh, of the swollen nipple pushing hard against his fingertips.

“Mmmnngghhh…” Ryan sagged.

Jack found himself fully sheathed. It was hard to keep still, between the tightness and the heat, but he waited several moments, allowing Ryan to reacclimatize to the feel of him. He continued to idly play with Ryan’s nipple, enjoying the calm intimacy of that moment, until he felt Ryan begin to tense up again. He was uncomfortable. Jack didn’t blame him. He lightly rubbed his hand over what he could reach of Ryan’s swollen abdomen. “Easy…” he whispered.

He rocked slowly.

Ryan bowed his head, his face red and teeth grit. “Mmmmmm…” Tears leaked out from between Ryan’s clenched eyelids.

Jack took long, slow thrusts, his own jaw tight from the pain reverberating up his ribs. It was a twisted mixture of torture and euphoria.

To Jack, Ryan looked like he couldn’t handle even a tiny bit more strain. And yet it just made Jack harder somehow. Ryan was completely dependent on his seed. Jack struggled to contain himself, struggled to prolong things just a moment longer, even though there was no need to do so, even though it was to his and Ryan’s detriment.

Ryan was completely dependent on him. Ryan was his. That thought was enough to push him over the edge.

Jack exploded, Ryan grunting out as Jack came harder than he had ever come before. His hips thrusted by instinct as he gripped what he could of Ryan’s sleek body. Jack knew he should have pulled out then, but his body wouldn’t allow it. Instead he flooded Ryan with more come than a man should have ever been able to produce, as Ryan’s belly tightened, just slightly.

Ryan released a choked cry. He was tense and groaning, holding Jack in whether or not he was conscious of it. One of his arms had reached behind him to grip Jack’s wrist, while the other fruitlessly pawed at his flushed, throbbing expanse, as though to reach his navel, which was ripe and seeping profusely.

When his orgasm was over, Jack was still hard, and inexplicably, still throbbing and seeping, as though Ryan’s body was pumping him. Boneless, he slumped down, wrapping his arms around Ryan’s chest. He felt Ryan fidget and awkwardly grind against him in some animalistic desperation.

“Nrrgghhhh!” Ryan grunted as he came messily against the underside of his own massive belly. “I think its…ngghhhh…ahhhhhhhhh!”

Jack managed to pull himself upright enough to see Ryan’s front. His navel was flushed pink and bulging out like an apple. The dimpled skin was gushing globs of the translucent goo. Usually it took Ryan several hours to start producing eggs but he looked ready to burst.

“Aahhhhhhh!” Ryan released an inhuman wail as his navel shuddered open and eggs veritably spurted out. They toppled over the edge of the bed and hit the carpet as Ryan croaked and whined. Jack rubbed Ryan’s flanks, offering consoling murmurs until Ryan could no longer seem to take the pressure or exhaustion, and abruptly passed out.

The process slowed, but even in Ryan’s unconsciousness, eggs continued to crown and pop free of Ryan’s belly. The eggs were larger than they had ever been, the size of a grapefruit each. The process slowed yet more, Ryan’s navel shuddering as it struggled to make way for each egg. Jack shifted Ryan the best he could to facilitate the process.

Afterwards, he buried his head in Ryan’s nape, relishing in just that moment of stillness.

But then Jack heaved himself up from the mattress. He gingerly walked around it, to face Ryan’s belly, where his latest egg was partially crowned, his belly button shuddering, but not making much progress in pushing the egg out.

Jack reached out and massaged Ryan’s navel, helping to coax the egg along. Ryan huffed and trembled, even arching somewhat in his sleep, awkwardly thrusting and rocking to aid in the birthing process. His mound pulsed as each egg crowned, and Jack massaged them free in his effort to mitigate the discomfort. He could see Ryan’s belly getting smaller, softer, the pressure decreasing. It made Jack notice how round and plump his breasts had grown, easily E-cups by then, and fully engorged.

Even with Jack’s rubs, the eggs became slower to crown, what with Ryan being unconscious. Jack slid his hand away from Ryan’s navel, allowing his fingers to trail along the plump expanse of flesh. He found an area on the surface that seemed somewhat firmer than the rest of it. Jack stroked at the spot, and was rewarded with prods of movement from within. He savored the sensation. A human baby.

Ryan gave a groggy mumble. He shifted slightly, and opened his eyes. There was wetness there, but Ryan stubbornly wiped at it. “You should be lying down,” he murmured.

“I will,” Jack promised.

Ryan struggled to heave himself into a sitting position, but it was a long, arduous process, that left Ryan panting, sweating, and grunting with the strain of lifting his mound. Occasionally, with all the tension, an egg would crown and push out, to lightly plop onto the bed.

Jack wanted to help him, but he was in so much pain by then. Instead he watched Ryan writhe, struggle, and groan until he had finally managed to balance his bolder of a belly on his thighs. He slumped back, flushed and panting. He weakly patted the spot on the mattress beside him.

Jack hobbled over.

He laid down and lightly stroked Ryan’s side with his shaking hand.

“Mmm…” Ryan moaned as a new egg crowned. He fidgeted in jerky motions, exhausted as he was, “Hahhh…hahhhhh…”

Jack’s eyelids sunk. He should have been helping him. Behind him, holding him, rocking them both.

Instead he dozed to Ryan’s gasps and groans. He didn’t know how long he was submerged in that dreamless unconsciousness, but when he awoke, Ryan was sprawled back, breathing thinly. His skin was pink and sweaty, his hands were covering his face, and he was considerably smaller, though still heavily pregnant. His massive belly button had reverted to normal size.

Just the human baby left.

Ryan looked absolutely gorgeous, as disheveled as he was. His tanktop was pasted to his moist skin, most of it drawn over his belly, his cleavage generous and breasts nearly popping out of the low neckline. His large nipples were visible protruding against the thin material.

There was a light knock on the door that Ryan didn’t even seem to register. Jack pulled the sheets up over their lower halves. “Come in.”

Ryan’s parents slipped into the room, looking uncertain, then relieved at all the eggs on or surrounding the large bed.

“How are things going?” said Mr. Hall, looking at Ryan’s belly as though perplexed by it. Ryan still hadn’t raised his hands from his head and took to completely ignoring his parents.

“Alright, I think,” said Jack, stroking Ryan’s mound. He paused at another shiver of movement.

“I imagine you’re past the worst of it.”

Ryan finally lowered his hands from his face. He looked uneasy. “Actually,” he rasped. “I think we’re just…just getting there—” He groaned out and curled in on himself, clutching his large stomach. Jack pulled him close; did his best to hold him through it.

“Ryan!” Mrs. Hall started forward.

“It’s okay,” said Jack, holding out his hand to stop her, his free hand rubbing Ryan’s back. “It’s just a contraction. We—we’re having another human baby.”

Both of Ryan’s parents looked startled.

“Oh Ryan!” said Mrs. Hall. She gave a weak laugh. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

Ryan responded with a muffled groan, his face buried in Jack’s shirt.

Both his parents looked happy, but Jack wanted to postpone any of their flippant remarks, at least for Ryan’s sake.

“We could use some privacy,” he said, as the contraction ended and Ryan relaxed but moaned miserably into his shirt.

“Oh Ryan, you’re already so exhausted,” Mrs. Hell commiserated.

“We can handle it,” Jack assured, his hand continuing to idly stroke Ryan’s back.

Ryan’s parents look uncertain, but Jack promised he would call out if there were any issues. They reluctantly left the room, and Ryan continued to lean into Jack through the hastening contractions.

Ryan would periodically tense up, cry, or grip at his large belly. He would muffle his groans and cusses, as though he didn’t want his parents to hear. Jack just murmured supportively, wishing he could help, but knowing they were beyond that. He watched Ryan’s belly shift progressively lower, his hips straining, his nipples leaking droplets of milk.

Soon it was time to push, and those inconvenient tears were pouring down Ryan’s face despite him. He could no longer contain his curses. “God, I c-can’t,” he grunted out, breathing thinly.

“Yes you can,” Jack assured him again and again, as Ryan pushed, and sobbed, then there was the sound of a baby crying.


Ryan was slumped against several pillows, nursing the newborn twins at once. Jack had made a sort of hammock out of a sheet to hold them in place because Ryan would keep dozing off without even realizing it.

His belly was still rounded and plump, with enough girth to hide the pointed tip of the alien womb that typically irritated him after births. In fact, he looked as though he was eight months pregnant. If his present size was any indication, he was going to be huge with this new litter. Jack felt a little guilty, and idly rubbed at Ryan’s permanently-pregnant-seeming stomach. He couldn’t deny how good Ryan looked in this state.

“This is a mess,” Ryan mumbled wanly.

“It’s our lives,” Jack disagreed.

They turned to each other, and their lips connected in a lazy, sort of incidental way.

Jack continued to rub circles against Ryan’s bloated mound.

He certainly wasn’t opposed to a large family.

The End


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