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Summary: Scientists attempt to breed a species of tiny alien spiders in Cona's breasts. Contains: Female: breast impregnation, breast expansion, lactation, multiple characters, belly expansion, egg laying, unbirthing, alien pregnancy/bug pregnancy.

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Cona was beginning to collect more weight behind her waistband. She had thought it was just bloating from all the forced-feedings, but it wasn’t going away. She held her stomach and groaned. It was constantly grumbling, even with the feedings, even with her own over-eating. She regularly emptied her fridge, many of her nights ending with her groaning on the kitchen floor, covered in wrappers. Things were just getting out of hand.

Sometimes she had terrible belly aches. Strangely enough, a warm cup of milk always managed to soothe her.

Her breasts had shrunken to the size of round volleyballs, to her disappointment.

Cona sometimes stole glances at Tom at work, and was surprised to see he was putting on weight as well.


Sana was strapped to a table in just a bra and panties, a loose elastic band wrapped around her swollen abdomen, connected to which was an electronic device that would measure her growth rate. A hose had been strapped into her mouth, but, to her relief, she wasn’t being force-fed. Every so often a foul-tasting vitamin supplement would splash into her mouth, which she had no choice but to gulp down. She found that she could also feed at will if she sucked. The hose would fill her mouth with a thick, milky, pudding-like substance. It had just the right amount of sweetness, and wasn’t unpleasant at all. Sana found herself consuming it consistently throughout the night despite her better judgment.

Above her was a surveillance camera, not that she had any means of escaping. She regularly struggled against her binds, but they were unresisting. She dropped her head to the table and resigned her efforts. She regularly reminded herself that she would be freed in the morning, and tried to ignore the fear that grew within her alongside the egg.

She dozed in and out throughout her surveillance, sometimes waking and feeding from the hose, at other times, sucking upon it in her sleep. It was a long, hazy evening. By sunrise, she was dimly aware of a figure hovering over her. “It’s over,” she garbled in relief against the hose.

“Not quite.”

Sana’s eyes snapped up. Eric stood over her, a lecherous grin on his face. The lab was still dark, the sun low on the horizon. The other scientists wouldn’t be in for at least a few hours. “What do you want?” she growled, her words muffled as she fruitlessly struggled against her binds.

Eric unlatched the band keeping the hose in her mouth. “Just keeping you company,” he responded, pulling it out.

Sana stiffened as Eric reached down, opening her bra, which unclasped in the front. She flushed as her modest B-cup breasts were bared. Eric ghosted his fingers along her nipples, causing them to become erect. He leaned down and sucked upon one of them.

Sana grunted and fidgeted, pulling at the straps still tying her to the bed. “What are you doing?”

“Come now, Sana. You know you like the attention,” said Eric, moving on to her other nipple. After sucking each for a few minutes, he took to massaging her breasts with his hands, continuing to smile in a dubious way. After five minutes of this, he was back to sucking. He cycled. Massaging, then sucking. Massaging, then sucking. He went on like this for at least an hour, never growing weary of his perverted ritual. Sana could do little but struggle and groan as her nipples became increasingly sore. Her loins tingling, she panted helplessly. She knew this was probably just Eric’s way of repaying her for ending their relationship a year prior.

Her breasts, by then, were tingling and sore. She panted as she felt a strange burning sensation course through her nipples. “Oh!” she gasped.

Eric pulled back, smiling victoriously at the droplets of milk that had seeped up from Cona’s nipple-pores. “There we go,” he grinned, as she panted and stared. “I figured with all the hormones, it wouldn’t take more than a little stimulation…”

Eric leaned down and continued to alternate between sucking and massaging her breasts. For the next hour Sana wriggled and moaned, vacillating between pleasure and discomfort, her loins tingling, until she was painstakingly drawn to the cusp. Her limbs tensed and back arched despite the weight pinning it down. When she came back down, feeling lethargic and pleasantly warm, Sana noticed that Eric had disappeared. The lab was now flooded with light from the windows, and all was quiet. She half-suspected that it had all been a perverted dream.

Sana glanced down at herself.

Or, perhaps not.

Her bra had been replaced, but her breasts were bulging heavily over it, flushed, and aching in protest against the cups. They had to be C-cups by then, if not larger. They felt hot, and...full. Sana groaned in frustration. This wouldn’t help her cause at all. She looked up at hearing the lab door hiss as it slid open.

The other scientists walked in and crowded around her, Eric included, looking inexplicably nonchalant. Sana glared heatedly at him as the others stared at her sweaty, bloated form. They immediately noticed her sudden breast-growth, looks of intrigue crossing their pallid faces.

“Can you get me off of this thing?” Sana growled after several minutes of their gawking. “I have to take a piss.”

Blinking, two scientists quickly untied her. After being helped off the table, Sana staggered to the locker room. She unhinged her bra, and eased her engorged breasts out of the cups. She then grabbed some guy’s lab coat she found hanging off his locker. It was just large enough to accommodate her rounded belly and her newly swollen breasts. Entering a bathroom stall before anyone could come looking for her, Cona sat on the toilet and closed her eyes. Her whole life was falling apart. She stiffened when she felt a familiar burning sensation in her nipples and looked down in time to spot twin patches of moisture growing in the front of her lab coat.

Her face burned. She couldn’t have looked any more eligible for the experiment that had been proposed. Eric had practically sabotaged her.

Sana’s hand slid down to her belly. She looked as though she was seven months pregnant by then, and was quickly running out of options now that all her colleagues knew what was inside her. They were going to insist that she continue to incubate the thing so they could study it. Not one of them was going to side with her refusal.

Sana couldn’t stand the way her condition was progressing, yet she was making no progress towards a solution. She had to think of something before it was too late, whether the egg hatched within her, or her colleagues took the initiative, and dissected her. What if she simply burst open? Frustrated tears filled Sana’s eyes. Her mind turned and turned as she struggled for something—anything—that might save her.

“Okay,” she breathed in an effort to calm herself. She could do this. “Okay.” She nodded to herself and decided:

The spider egg had taken residence in her abdominal cavity, not unlike an active womb. What if she tricked her body into going into labor when the egg grew a little bigger—big enough to imitate a full-term fetus?

Sana felt nauseous at the concept of allowing the egg to continue to grow. She felt worse at the thought of having to—to give birth to the thing. But she had few other options. She certainly couldn’t perform a cesarean on herself.

So she’d get rid of it secretly. None of her colleagues would suspect a thing, not until the aftermath, at which point they could do nothing about it. Afterwards, she was quitting.

With this plan set in mind, Sana realized that she had no choice but to stop taking the growth inhibiters and appetite suppressors she injected herself with daily in her efforts to control the growth of the egg. She supposed she could handle it. She had already missed a dose since being tied up by her colleagues the previous day. Sana paused at hearing a knock on her stall door.

“Sana? A word?”

When Sana returned to the lab with Mike escorting her watchfully, the other scientists were gathered around a computer console, pointing and whispering amongst themselves. Sana swallowed at seeing that they were examining the scans of the egg’s growth throughout the night. She absently clutched the side of her belly.

“This thing is large,” John was muttering. “Much larger than any of the spiders that were in Cona. This would be perfect for studying.”

“But we don’t want her to experience any of the malnutrition problems Cona faced with the spiders. Don’t forget how quickly those began to die off,” Simon mentioned.

“Then let’s do this properly,” suggested Eric. His grin was in full force. He nodded to the female scientist amongst them.

Sana tensed as the scientists grabbed her arms, and hauled her off. Before she knew it, she was again strapped to a medical table. She watched on blankly as two of her colleagues muttered something to the others then hurried off.


John and Eric entered kitchens, motioning to get the attention of one of the cooks. Her name was Martha, and she was a Martian, like Eric. She had violet eyes, and her skin had the faintest tinge of green.

“We need something new,” John said, authoritatively. “Something—filling for one of our subjects. She’s terribly malnourished.”

“Another meal replacement?” said Martha.

“Something like that,” said Eric. “And we need a lot of it.”

Martha nodded, leading John and Eric into a room deep in the kitchens. There was a large over-ground pool, in which protruded an assortment of giant utensils and mixers from the ceilings. Martha led John and Eric up a small staircase to a balcony overhanging the pool. Martha began to press buttons on the computer console there, the machinery humming awake.

“The main ingredient would have to be milk,” said Eric, and Martha nodded. She pressed a button, and gallons of milk began to drop from a large tank above the ceiling, pouring into the bowl. “We want to keep those pillows nice and supple.” He licked his lips.

“Some heavy cream,” said John, ignoring Eric’s remark. “Lard, sugar, pork oil, syrup, gelatin, a few pounds of butter, more cream and sugar,” he droned, as Martha nodded obediently and input the ingredients.

“That’s it?” said Martha.

“For now,” said John.

Martha pressed a button, and the various mixers dove into the bowl, blending the ingredients up into a thick, beige concoction.

“Would you like to taste?” said Martha pleasantly.

“Gladly,” John responded as Eric gave him a queer look.

Mindy lifted a communication device and muttered into the speaker, before a purple-skin man hurried into the room, retrieved a sample from the pool, and hurried up the stairs. John accepted the small vial offered to him and poured the substance onto his tongue. “Hm,” he said, wrinkling his nose. “Needs a little salt.”

Martha nodded and returned her attention to the console. “Won’t such a high volume of fats almost positively be lethal to your subject?”

“To the subject, yes, but little of this will be going to her. It’s going to the thing inside her,” John said.

A new vial was summoned and passed to John. He tasted it and shivered. “Perfect.”


Within the hour, Eric and John returned, the lab’s feeding tanks loaded with the terrible new concoction. Sana was still tied to the metal table, the electronic monitoring device again affixed to her belly. John stuffed the hose in Sana’s mouth, fastening the straps himself. He flicked a switch on the feeding tanks, and watched Sana’s eyes widen as her mouth was filled with the heavy concoction.

She released a muffled moan, but had little choice but to swallow the gunk so not to choke. She instinctively struggled against her binds, but in a feeble way, as though she knew there was no hope of escape.

“The sample,” said John, holding out his hand. Mike promptly placed a syringe in his hand. “This is a sample of Cona’s milk,” he told Sana, ignoring as her eyes widened in horror. “There are a few scattered spiders in it, and hopefully they’ll thrive in this—new environment you’ll be providing them. You should be proud of your viability as a host.” His eyes shifted from her swollen abdomen to her plumply engorged breasts.

Sana released a muffled cry as John stuck her with the needle, emptying half of it into her right breast, and the other half into her left.

“Thank you for your cooperation,” he said aloofly as he pulled off his gloves.

“Sir, the commander wants us to brief him on the plum-flu epidemic,” Simon whispered.

John nodded, and turned to Eric. “Stay here and monitor the subject.”

Eric smirked. “Gladly.”

With that, John departed with the others, knowing that Eric would handle things at the lab.


Sana struggled to gulp down the constant pulses of food, her cheeks flushed and bulging. Eric crept over in an unsettling way, but she tried to stay focused on not choking.

Eric ran his hand along the rounded expanse of her exposed belly. To Sana, it felt as though it was tightening by the moment, the creature continuing to squirm within the shell developing there. “Well this one seems to like it,” Eric said unpleasantly.

His hand slid up to her breasts, a thoughtful crossing his face, as though he wasn’t satisfied with them. He exposed her chest. “You know the drill,” he murmured.

Sana simply gulped, and watched as Eric leaned down and again began to suckle. She tried not to allow her arousal to distract her from her eating. She struggled not to moan, reminding herself to gulp, and gulp, and gulp.

Eric kissed her breasts. He continued to nurse contently.

The flu epidemic would be the least of their problems.


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