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Note: This is a story-prompt for tom.

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Chloe hoarsely groaned.

She had been birthing for hours, vision blurring in and out as her body tensed and arched periodically. Baby after baby pushed out into the world, as Chloe whimpered, feeling helpless and disoriented.

After a while she had surrendered to the labor, no longer struggling and fighting against it, instead sinking, relaxing, giving in to her contracting body.

And once she had, the pain had tapered, oddly. In its place were pulses of warmth and the faintest traces of pleasure.

Chloe grunted out again, leaning up to push, a plump creature squishing out of her body.

He belly shuddered one more time, but then stilled, and Chloe found herself staring up at the ceiling. She gasped for breath as the numerous creatures gurgled and squirmed around her. “Angie…” she panted out, then everything was black.


When Chloe came to, she was still lying on the living room floor, and again, covered in squirming babies trying to nurse from her four nipples. Only, this time, Angie wasn’t on the floor with her. Angie, in fact, was seated on the living room couch, looking at Angie with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“Angie,” Chloe gasped. “You’re up.” She furrowed her brows in confusion. Last Chloe had seen her, Angie had been immobile on the floor. Now Angie looked notably smaller, her belly large as a beach ball, but no longer a bolder pinning her down.

“Mmmm,” Angie responded. She crumpled her face, struggling slightly. “I mmmean, yeah, I was out of it for a while there. It was all, mmmm, pretty intense.” She waved her hand, indicating her form. “I never thought giving birth would feel so good.” She blushed.

Chloe gazed at Angie, who seemed to have squeezed herself into a string bikini. It was probably among the few things Angie could get her swollen body into. Her belly was round and unblemished, her udder nestled beneath it, pink and shining. Her four breasts were stacked atop each other, the upper pair and bottom pair squeezed into two different bikini tops. And as Chloe stared, she couldn’t help noticing how good Angie looked, plump, fertile, and motherly.

“I found one for you,” said Angie, sheepishly holding up a one-piece.

It was only then that Chloe looked down at herself to see that she had shrunken a good deal as well.

Chloe tentatively tried to sit up, gently shifting the creatures to the floor, as they gurgled and whimpered in protest. Her body strained, but did not collapse beneath her weight. She sat up all the way, shuddering at the way her udder pressed her thighs, her belly pulsing and full, her breasts heaving.

Self-conscious of her nudity, she reached out and accepted the swimsuit Angie was holding out.

The bathing suit had to be Angie’s mother’s, large as it was. Getting into it was a process for Chloe, from heaving herself off the floor, to navigating her limbs into the openings, then stretching the material tautly over her bloated flesh. The fit was tight, but it was nice to be covered up. She looked around at the piles of babies that covered the living room, then back at Angie. “Mooo,” she said.

“Mmmm,” Angie agreed, patting the spot beside her.

Chloe waddled over to the couch.

The noticed the way her thighs rubbed now, plump and thick, squishing together as she moved. Her hips were round, udder bobbing between them. She eased herself down, her face reddening from all the sensations this roused in her sensitized body.

She looked good. She felt good as well.

“Mmm, your body looks great,” said Angie.

“Thanks,” Chloe breathlessly responded. She tried to adjust her swimsuit, as if suddenly felt tighter, her belly pulsing; shuddering. “What are we supposed to do now?”

“I’mmmm not sure I want to do anything,” Angie responded, idly rubbing the sides of her swollen mound. Chloe wasn’t imagining it. They were getting larger. She could see Angie’s plump belly steadily pushing, swelling out. Chloe gulped as a familiar pressure occupied her breasts and udder.

She drew her legs up, spreading her knees the best she could to accommodate the growth off the udder. She wasn’t sure she was up to another round of birth, but she doubted she had a choice in the matter. “Mmmggghhhh,” Chloe groaned, hips rocking, as her swimsuit tightened to the point that it was painful. The material stretched and stretched, almost to transparency, stitching pulling apart as Chloe grunted and tensed. Finally, it ripped, her belly tearing through to bulge out into the open.

“Mmmmm…mooooooo,” Chloe groaned.

“Mmmmm,” Angie agreed.


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