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Note: This is a male version of Piglets.

Summary: Aaron is impregnated with mutated pig sperm. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts (3 pairs), lactation, stuffing, animal pregnancy, animal characteristics/partial transformation, butt expansion, weight gain, birth.

Previous Chapter


As he was soaping up his torso in the shower one morning, Aaron felt a strange growth below his left pec that he had never noticed there before. It was a mole, and as he explored its dimensions with his fingers, he could not help becoming aroused. Aaron groaned as he fingered the mole with one hand, while squeezing his right breast with the other. He leaned against the tiled walls as water pattered his plumpening body, moaning as his groin twitched. He came right there, untouched.

He had been getting aroused very easily lately. His pecs—well, tits—particularly, had become a point of high-arousal.

As Aaron dried himself off, he decided he would investigate the mole more later. He would have to keep an eye on it. If it became too irregular, he would have to see a damn dermatologist, as if he didn’t have enough problems as it was.

Aaron pulled on some sweatpants and a T-shirt. He paused to lean on the doorframe. He was getting breathless easily nowadays.

He looked down at himself musingly. He undeniably had breasts now; they were were protruding visibly in his shirt. His nipples were sticking out, still chronically erect it seemed. Aaron resisted the urge to rub them. His eyes drifted down the rest of his torso.

His stomach was sticking out, round and full, inches escaping from the bottom of his shirt. It was flushed and gleaming with sweat like the rest of him. It almost looked as though he was pregnant. Aaron absently felt his stomach with both hands. Despite the roundness, there was a good layer of fat, a resistance that allowed his fingers to sink an inch or two into his girth.

His sweatpants hung low on his hips, drawn up only as far as his bulging stomach would allow it to.

The attire was tight and uncomfortable, but Aaron had gone through so much clothing in recent weeks, he was reluctant to surrender this, too, to his swelling body. Besides, it wasn’t that bad. The clothes almost fit him. Sort of. Aaron frowned down at himself.

After spending the vast majority of his existence looking like a stick figure, he refused to allow a little extra weight to bother him.

He put on a pair of sneakers, grabbed his backpack, and headed to class. As he walked to his lab table, he could feel the stares being sent his way, but pretended not to notice. When he sat down, his belly pressed uncomfortably against his lap, as it did now. He tried not to fidget, and caught his breath. He was exhausted from the simple walk to the lab. He dabbed his collar with some paper towel sheets left on the table, but the sweat gleaming against it was promptly replaced with more. He could feel it seeping into the gentle fold between his breasts—ah—cleavage.

“I like your outfit,” said Sammy beside him. She looked somewhat amused, to his dismay.

“Thanks,” said Aaron dryly.

“You look so cute with that little belly of yours.”

“Um.” He didn’t find it so “little,” but he would take “cute,” over “fat,” the word that he could practically hear people thinking as they stared at him these days. “Right.”

He gave her a tense smile and got started on their experiment, Aaron having to tug down his shirt every time it rolled up over his belly. Both pretended not to hear the gurgling noises his stomach emitted throughout the morning, and Aaron pretended not to feel the weird squirming sensations within it. He was so gassy lately.

That evening, Megan came by Aaron’s dorm. She brought drinks, but Aaron refused them. He had not tolerated alcohol well the last time he had drank with her. Instead, he sipped on milk as they sat on the couch, Aaron staring down as Megan chattered aimlessly. Aaron couldn’t help chuckling as Megan rambled on about a chipped nail she had gotten that morning, when suddenly an inhuman noise escaped his nostrils.

A snort.

He stiffened, cheeks warming.

Megan burst into her own round of laughter, and Aaron couldn’t help joining in. He soon found himself snorting uncontrollably. It was bizarre, because it had never happened before. Megan just laughed harder, and to his relief, she silenced them both by kissing him.

Aaron clutched his belly as he Megan leaned back, pulling him down with her. His belly pressed against her in an uncomfortable manner. He grimaced, his stomach feeling fitful all the sudden.

They kissed and touched, squirming against each other, but Aaron was desperately uncomfortable. Megan seemed to notice, because she paused, and appraised his body as Aaron blushed. It must have been so odd to her. He practically looked as though he was six months pregnant. The mound was full and rounded, but rather chubby to the touch. He had definitely gone overboard with the binge eating.

Megan said, “It almost looks as though you’re…”

“I know,” Aaron snapped.

“Sorry,” said Megan pacifically. A weak smile crossed her face.

“If there’s something you want to say…”

“Aaron,” she whined. “You know I love it. Besides, it’s kind of cute.” She reached up to squeeze one of his manboobs, causing him to yelp and jerk back.

Megan burst into a new round of giggles as Aaron tried to cool down.

“Oh god,” he breathed, his whole body warm and flushed, his dick throbbing. “Get over here.” And the two were back to making out with renewed vigor.

This time Megan tried climbing atop him, causing him to grunt out in discomfort. “It’s too…uncomfortable,” he admitted, breathlessly. “The pressure.” He recoiled from under her and rubbed his belly, which had entirely popped out from the bottom of his T-shirt.

“Then maybe we can…”

“This is pointless,” said Aaron, words tinged with irritation. “I can barely make it to the cafeteria anymore without practically collapsing. There’s no way I’ll last.” His face burned with humiliation. “I’m just too—well…” He trailed off, unwilling to drop the “F” bomb.

Just the make-out had left Aaron panting heavily, his body sleek with sweat.

“So no sex?” said Megan, as though she was certain she had misheard him.

“At least not till…um…” He awkwardly patted his belly, then, in his self-consciousness, attempted to tug his shirt down over the mound. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine,” said Megan, though Aaron knew it wasn’t. She got up, buttoning up her jeans. “I should go anyway.”


But she grabbed her purse and hurried from the dorm, not meeting his eyes once in the process. Aaron was too weary to chase her. In fact, he was helpless to do anything more than watch her leave.

Once he had caught his breath, Aaron heaved himself up and went to the kitchen in hopes of treating his anguish with something edible. He knew better than to continue to overeat, but at that moment, he didn’t care. He targeted comfort foods—mainly sugary things. He sucked down a bottle of chocolate syrup, followed by a gallon of egg nog he had left over from the holidays. He gobbled down a tub of ice cream he hadn’t known he had (Sammy must have brought it over during one of her visits), and even brought out an extra-large container of mayonnaise, gulping it down spoon after spoon, because he somehow couldn’t stop himself.

Why hadn’t he ended this when he should have, when he had actually been well-proportioned? Why couldn’t he stop even now?

Aaron fell asleep on the couch halfway through a large bag of plump sausages he had found in the freezer and thrown in the microwave. When he came to, he groaned at how tight and uncomfortable he felt. His stomach squirmed.

His shirt was truly lost cause, hugging against his evident B-cups, his belly pushing out of it yet again.

Aaron heaved himself up and went to his bedroom to change into his pajamas, groaning quietly to himself and holding the side of his belly. To his shock, it grumbled, but he was too exhausted to indulge it. As he reclined on the pile of pillows on his bed, he dug a weight gain bar out from beneath it. He shouldn’t have been eating the bars anymore, but they were convenient for just such circumstances.

Aaron quickly gobbled the bar down. Within moments of finishing it, he fell back asleep.

Days passed, and Aaron continued to grow. Though he no longer opted for fitted clothes, finding clothes that weren’t tight on him was posing some difficulty.

His tits were swelling more and more, growing plump and round, rather than sagging as he had seen with other men with a moob problem. He thought they looked like C-cups by then, bobbing gently as he moved around. The tanktops and undershirts beneath his clothes did little to hide them. He could feel people staring.

He looked as though he was seven months pregnant, if not larger. His belly was not entirely firm, still coated in a thick layer of fat. He was beginning to resent himself. Things were truly getting out of control.


Watching Aaron struggle to untie his shoes in her dorm one evening, Sammy thought over the situation. Aaron really needed a full exam, especially as far along as he was getting. At the same time, Sammy did not want to risk the possibly-fragile pig fetuses by drugging him. Then again, she didn’t have much of a choice, as confronting Aaron would probably pose even more danger to the piglets. There was no telling how he would react.

Yet he needed the exam. What if there was a complication? Drugging Aaron was worth the risk, so that night, Sammy made two large mugs of extra-rich hot chocolate, pumped with butter, sugar, and several melted Hersheys bars. She drugged them both with sleeping pills, as she had no intention of drinking either of them. Sammy then brought them back to the couch, where Aaron was awkwardly struggling to reach his socked feet. Sammy did her best to keep a straight face. It was funny how oblivious he was.

“Hot chocolate?’ said Sammy.

Aaron lowered his leg as he panted and held his navel. “Sure. Thanks.” He forced a shaky smile.

“Aaron…” said Sammy, passing him a mug. “What’s wrong?”

Aaron gave her an incredulous look. “Are you kidding?” He motioned to his gut, then cursed quietly as his eyes watered.

“Drink, hun, drink,” said Sammy, patting Aaron’s back as he rolled his eyes. He obediently took a sip of his chocolate. “I don’t know what you’re moping about. You look fantastic,” Sammy added.

“You’re insane,” Aaron muttered, before taking another long gulp. He finished the cup, and sniffed. He had been getting rather emotional lately. It must have been the pregnancy hormones.

“Aaron, I think I should move in with you.”

“What?” Aaron said. Sammy pushed her untouched mug towards him, and he absently took it.

“Well the administration is forcing me to get a roommate. And you look like you could use the company. I’m starting to get worried about you.”

Sammy held her breath, not knowing how Aaron would react. He took another long sip of chocolate.

“Yeah…” said Aaron dazedly. “That would probably be for the…” And he slumped forward, Sammy grabbing the cup of chocolate before it could spill over his lap.

Sammy carefully shifted Aaron to a supine position on the couch, though it wasn’t easy. He was getting heavy.

Once Aaron was lying back, Sammy mused over the way his belly stretched against his button-down shirt, diamonds of plump skin pushing between the buttons in a way that must have been delightfully humiliating to him. She unbuttoned the lower half of the shirt, and his belly surged out like dough. She nearly whistled. He was getting huge.

Sammy pressed her fingers gently into his belly. Though spherical, the outside was resisting and plump with fatty tissue, likely to protect the fragile fetuses that were meant to be incubated in the fatty folds of a plump pig-mother, not the stomach of a scrawny male.

Hurrying out of the room, Sammy returned with a sonogram machine and wheeled it over to the couch. She squirted some clear gel on Aaron’s belly, massaging it with the attached device, and nearly squealed in delight at what came up on the screen. Babies! Not one, not two, but several! Squirming little pig babies! The experiment was going splendidly.

As Sammy continued to run the sonogram, she tried to count how many piglets were in Aaron’s womb, but it was just too difficult. She had never run an animal sonogram before and hardly knew where to start.

The fetuses were quite large, a disorderly mess of squirming masses and limbs. In his sleep, Aaron groaned and mumbled to himself, still the unknowing mother-to-be. Sammy wondered if he could feel movement yet. His womb seemed to be absolutely stuffed – a full litter of piglets. Sammy was not sure how much more they would grow, but there did not seem to be much room left. She supposed that some more weight gain might help Aaron carry the pregnancy to term.

As Sammy wiped Aaron’s belly clean of the gel, she noticed his belly button was beginning to get shallow. Sammy chuckled quietly to herself. Aaron must have been going out of his mind with confusion about what was happening to his body.

It was a struggle to button Aaron back into his shirt, and Sammy almost regretted doing so. The pressure couldn’t have been good for the growing animals.

As Sammy wheeled the sonogram away and prepared to go to bed, she paused. She walked over to the kitchenette and looked in the fridge.

Based on Aaron’s compulsive behavior, his body seemed desperate to put on weight. Sammy wanted to find out if Aaron was acting of his own accord, or if he was following instinct and dispositions created by his condition, the way most animals did when they were with child. Like an animal, Aaron might have been pigging out to maintain his pregnancy, without even realizing it.

Finding a large mixing bowl, Sammy filled it with a few boxes of cake mix, before adding in eggs, sugar, oil, several sticks of butter, heavy cream, vanilla sauce, and some sprinkles to top it off. Once the bowl was full, Sammy mixed it and found a funnel in a drawer, then carried both the batter and the funnel over to Aaron.

Carefully sticking the spout of the funnel into Aaron’s mouth with one hand (the boy grumbled in protest, but didn’t pull away), Sammy slowly poured the batter with the other. For the purpose of her studies, it would be fascinating to find out if Aaron’s continued food-binging was an unconscious compulsion brought on by animal instincts.

Like the piggy he was, Aaron gulped and swallowed the batter in his sleep. Smiling to herself, Sammy continued to pour.

By morning, Aaron would awake to find that all his buttons had popped off.


Aaron was growing and growing despite his efforts not to. Soon he had no more pants that would button, so all he could wear were sweats. His ass was plumpening, creating a distinctive mound behind him. None of his boxers fit him anymore, so he was forced to go without.

“Yeah, I’ll be at the lecture Friday,” Aaron said to his classmate, Kim, one day after class. He tried not to breathe too heavily, but he supposed his sweating was a give-away of how winded he was just from getting up from his desk and walking as far as the door.

His breasts were undeniably jiggling slightly with his heavy breathing. He had been so hot he had even undone a button at his chest, revealing the start of his pressed, sweaty cleavage. His nipples had gotten tender, and had swollen recently, to nearly double their original size. The blotches of pink were visible against his stretched, damp, white shirt material, nipples practically pointing at his classmate.

His rounded belly was close to bursting out of his button-down, his hips heavy and back straining. He practically looked as though he was at term with child! Aaron squirmed as he stood there in a terrible mixture of arousal and discomfort.

He noticed Kim’s eyes consistently dart to his stomach. She didn’t look disgusted, but almost…intrigued.

“I can’t believe how cute you’ve gotten lately…” she murmured.

Aaron blinked, almost certain he had misheard her. “Yeah I’ve…put on some weight,” he said still somewhat breathless. He patted his stomach ironically. “A little too much of it.”

“I think you look great.”

Aaron hesitated only briefly before asking for her phone number. Kim smiled coyly at him before handing it over.

As she left, Aaron reluctantly returned to the classroom to help Sammy clean up their lab table. He bent down to lift a small tank.

“Hey, don’t do that, let me help you,” Sammy protested, pulling him up and sitting him down. “You have to take it easy.”

Aaron watched Sammy in confusion as she cleaned up their station. Lately, Sammy wouldn’t let him do anything, and it was a little weird.

Sammy finished up and forced a smile. “So do you want to hang out?”

Aaron agreed to go back to Sammy’s dorm. To his surprise, every surface was covered in large pans of food, and it all smelled delicious.

“Catering,” Sammy grinned at him. “I thought it could be a surprise. Made sure they delivered just before we got here.”

Aaron didn’t know what the occasion was, but he wasn’t sure it mattered. He was immediately overwhelmed by the delicious aromas filling the dorm, his stomach grumbling and gurgling so much, it ached with need. He told himself to head for the door, but his legs would not heed his commands. “Sammy, we…need to talk,” said Aaron, breathily.

“After a snack?” said Sammy, heaving up a pan of macaroni saturated in melted cheese.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” Sammy lowered the pan. “You’re on a diet, aren’t you? Let me get this stuff out of here.”

But before she could do any such thing, Aaron completely lost control.

Next Chapter


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