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Note: This is a story-prompt for tom.

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“This is that new energy drink my dad’s been working on,” said Angie, nodding to two test tubes in her father’s basement lab. Angie knew she wasn’t supposed to be in there, but she still liked to show the place off to her friends. What was the point of having a dad who was a scientist if there weren’t perks?

“Very cool,” said Chloe. “Are we allowed to try it?” She raised her brow.

Angie threw her a smirk. “Why not?”

The two eighteen-year-olds each lifted a test tube. The fluid inside was green, and glowing.

“Cheers,” said Angie, clinking her test tube against Chloe’s.

They gulped the fluid down.

“Eugh,” said Chloe, grimacing at the taste.

“Yeah…” Angie agreed.

“He has to work on the flavor.” Chloe’s stomach lurched.

“I don’t feel very energized.” Angie admitted. “I think I’m going to…”

And then there was darkness.


When they awoke, things had…changed, somewhat.

“What the hell…” said Chloe as she climbed to her feet. Her stomach was visibly bloated, and her ass felt…heavy, somehow. She reached back and cupped it. “Holy shit.” It felt huge and round.

“Eugh.” Angie sat up, her chest wobbling. She looked down and was stunned to see that her top had been rendered a belly-shirt by the DD-cup mounds stretching it out. She slid her hand down to her stomach, which was just as bloated as Chloe’s was, if not moreso. It looked as though she was four months pregnant.

“That wasn’t an energy drink, was it?”

“I…don’t think so,” Angie admitted.

“What the hell happened to us?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s call your dad.”

The two ambled awkwardly out of the basement. Chloe could feel Angie staring at her wobbling ass. It must have resembled Nicki Minaj’s, only larger, and was stretching her leggings at their seams.

Chloe pulled out her phone. “What’s your dad’s number?”

“I’d…rather not bother him about this.”


“If he finds out I went into his lab, he’s gonna kill me!”

Chloe gave Angie a reproving look.

“What’s done is done,” Angie went on. “I doubt he can change anything at this point. Let’s just let it go. Besides, we look kinda hot.”

“I look like a freak,” said Angie. She resented the way her big ass seemed to bob now.

Angie rolled her eyes. “Get over it.” She started to make her way to the kitchen, then paused. “Oh…” she held her stomach.

Chloe, meanwhile, found herself rubbing the undersides of her small breasts. They were getting so itchy. She wondered if she was developing a rash there. When she found two distinctive bumps on her skin, she paused and frowned. They felt sensitive. She rubbed again, and shuddered. “I’ll be right back.”

Chloe went to the bathroom and examined herself in the full-length mirror. She stared at her profile and glared at her ass, her crack bulging over her stretched leggings. She then turned to her front to notice that her breasts seemed slightly larger. She tugged up her shirt, and lifted her full B-cups, then staggered back at what she saw.

She had two extra nipples! Each one was situated beneath a breast. Not only that, but the skin surrounding them was starting to get soft and puffy. It looked as though she was growing a second pair! “This is insane,” she muttered to herself.

Jerking her top back down, Chloe noticed that the cotton was now stretched over her stomach, an inch or so of her belly poking out beneath the hem. She frowned and smoothed her hand down over the bloated skin. She looked as though she had grown yet more; as though she was five months pregnant!

Chloe walked back into the living room, now feeling terrified. Angie was propped on the couch, rubbing her gut. She looked as though she was eight months with child!

“Just a little bloating,” Angie groaned out.

“No, Angie, I think this is serious,” Chloe protested. “We really need to call your—”

But she was interrupted when Angie groaned, arching her back. Chloe could only gape as Angie’s belly visibly pushed forward, EE-cup breasts being shoved higher by the mound, shirt stretching till their undersides were visible.

There was a tearing noise, and Chloe felt her ass quiver against cool air. “Oh no!” she cried, feebly trying to cover her ass where her pants had torn. She shuddered as her belly suddenly tightened, and swelled forward.

Angie had sprawled herself back across the couch cushions, fidgeting and squirming, her belly now making her look as though she was due with twins. As her cantaloupe-sized breasts bobbed and wiggled, Chloe saw a flash of small breasts beneath them. And they were steadily growing, pushing up against the upper ones.

Chloe dropped to her knees, her whole body pulsing with heat and growth. She now looked as though she was due with child, and her pubic area had gotten tender, and slightly swollen. Chloe slid her hand down beneath her belly, her fingers encountering a heated pillow of flesh. She was developing a new mound there and she couldn’t fathom what it was.

“I have to—ohhhh…” Angie awkwardly climbed to her feet and waddled forward. She looked as though she was headed to the bathroom, but she didn’t make it very far. She sunk to all fours, her overdue-with-triplets belly pressing hard into the carpet. Her second set of breasts surged forward, pushing the upper pair higher, all four of them wobbling. “Nrrrghhhh…” Angie moaned, dropping to her back, her belly rocking in violent shudders. “Oh god…” she spread her thighs wide as her hips plumpened. Meanwhile, her belly continued to grow.

Chloe’s top tore apart as her belly leapt in harsh surges of growth. The next several heaves left her whimpering and crying, her body jerking. In a few seconds she had surpassed Angie in belly-size. She looked as though a beach ball was attached to her torso.

Angie was flushed and struggling, her body dripping sweat. She rocked and grunted, thighs quivering. “C’mon…nggghhhh…ohhhhh…” She panted. “It’s coming—ahhh—” Something was crowing within her short skirt.

Chloe could feel her belly contracting, and now her nipples were burning. She struggled to get herself up off the floor, but her body seized again, her DD-cup upper breasts releasing twin spurts of fluid. “Ughhhh…I’m lactating,” she groaned. It seemed an arbitrary thing to say, as it was the least of her problems at the moment. She arduously struggled up to her feet, but the moment she did, she knew it was a mistake. Her belly was low, pelvis aching. She felt as though something was going to spill out of her. She crouched down to a squat, sobbing quietly. Her four breasts heaved on her chest, the lower ones quickly catching up to the upper ones in size.

Angie by then had pushed out a—an actual baby. But it was strange, with black patches on its skin, and a flat, animalistic nose. By the looks of it, Angie was working on pushing out a second one, the first one wailing. Despite her burden decreasing, her belly was only growing larger. Something was protruding out of the top of her head now—were those—cow ears?

“Ahhhhhh…” Chloe grunted as something veritably popped out of her opening. She could feel the remains of her pants bulging out between her legs, and she struggled to shove them down. She squirmed and pushed, feeling as though she was being pinned to the floor by her belly. She gasped for breath as whatever it was dislodged itself, and then she heard the squealing of an infant. Chloe dissolved in sobs, her belly continuing to contract, and with each one, her nipples spurting. She estimated by then she looked pregnant with octuplets.

Angie was sprawled on her side, groaning as she cradled her baby to her soft chest. She was working on birthing a second one. As Chloe looked at her, she could see that Angie’s ass had gotten as swollen as hers—and a cow’s tail was poking out just above her crack. A soft, rounded bulge protruded in Angle’s spandex skirt, cradled beneath her boulder of a belly. The bottom was bulging out, and it looked like an—udder? It was a deep pink and the size of a volley ball.

As Chloe stared at her swelling, panting friend, she realized that she had hardly taken inventory of her own changes. Beneath the pressure, the birthing, and the outlandishness of it all, she hardly had time to care. She was in pain, and swollen, her whole body pressurized, and she couldn’t even see beyond her torso anymore. “Christ!” she screamed, as a second infant's head popped out of her opening, practically propelled by her overstuffed belly. She grunted and struggled to push out the shoulders. After the birth, she was still hot and throbbing, her belly even larger than it had been before. She struggled to get up, but she was just too heavy, and she was assaulted with violent contractions any time she tried. “We really—need to—call your dad,” she gasped out.

Angie just gave her a rueful look.

And so things proceeded.




This is awesome!!!


love it