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Cow Girl on DeviantArt

Summary: Sequel to Cow Girl II. Decades following Lucy's ordeal, the cow-person condition is becoming an epidemic. Laura has the misfortune of contracting the gene. Contains: Pregnancy, belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, multiple breasts, udders, lactation, and more.

Previous Chapter


Laura was startled when warm fingers suddenly pressed into her back.

“Shhhh,” the waiter urged close to her ear.

Though astonished, Laura eased back somewhat. The massage was sort of nice.

As she sunk and fully gave in to the man’s fingers, she wondered how a server at a cheese restaurant could have become such a talented masseuse.

It was very relaxing, and combined with the heated water, made her almost forget about how distressingly gluttonous she had been just moments before.

Laura hummed quietly, hardly minding as the talented fingers moved gradually down her shoulders, then her arms, to make contact with her stomach.

“Ohhh…” she groaned, as the waiter kneaded against the tension. But rather than worsening things, it seemed to comfort her pressurized mound, the tightness giving way to the lapping water. Laura hardly noticed as a nearby waitress dumped a bottle of a purple fluid into the hot tub.

“What…?” Laura managed.

“Just some softening agents,” the waiter massaging her muttered. “Completely natural…it won’t harm the babies…just a little something to make you more comfortable.”

Laura had hardly ever thought of the creatures as “babies,” but rather than panicking her, the waiter’s assurances made her feel strangely comfortable with it. She allowed her eyes to close. It wasn’t long before something oddly pressed against her lips, moistening them. It was oily, and…salty. Laura dipped her tongue out. It tasted like butter.

She opened her mouth to inquire about what it was, when something was gently pushed into her mouth.

It had the texture of thick whipped cream but tasted unmistakably like sweetened butter. Though tempted to open her eyes and determine exactly what was being plied to her, she just felt too good, too right, to protest. She didn’t want to disrupt things. It was best to just go along with it. After all, this was the nicest she had felt in a while.

She felt sensual…and sexy. It was the first time she had genuinely felt good about her body since this whole thing had begun. Her belly tightened and her loins tingled as her lips parted to take in another serving of the cream. She knew this couldn’t be good for her, and yet it was utterly delectable. She took in more and more until her cheeks bulged. She struggled, but swallowed.

“Tell me about Brad,” Kim inquired in a contented drawl.

Laura sighed. “Just some asshole,” she mumbled languidly. “Keeps trying to get in my pants.”

“Trying to knock you up more?”

“Oh, he already did that

Laura could practically see Kim’s grin. “You’re gonna get huge

Laura tensed slightly, but the waiter was as attentive as ever, and soon she was back to putty in his hands. “What about you?” she managed. “Who’s your baby-daddy?”

“My loving boyfriend, of course.”

Laura’s eyes popped opened, her jaw falling. She looked at Kim, who was paying little mind, her head back and eyes closed, fat breasts crowning out of the water like two plump pillows. She was in the midst of a fantastic massage of her own.

Laura sunk slightly. She had not expected that. She hardly had the chance to contemplate the matter, when a heaping scoop of thick cream was urged into her mouth. “Oh…mmmmghh…” She closed her eyes again.

Laura wanted to know what Kim had done to end up in court, but decided not to ask. If it had nothing to do with the father of her cow-spawn, the possibilities were suddenly eerie, and Laura did not want to know.

Dulcet music filtered through the air, soft, and yet encompassing. She could hardly hear any of the other restaurant patrons around her. She hardly cared about their presence. It was like they didn’t exist anymore.

She heard Kim’s moans and Wendy’s panting. Her body throbbed, but not unpleasantly. The growing pressure and tightness was euphoric somehow. The water beat against her quivering body.

Laura didn’t know how long she was sprawled there, eating and dozing, but soon the wondrous hands withdrew. Laura hardly noticed. She was so comfortable, she was disinclined to move. Not yet. Nothing could disrupt this perfect moment.

Not until there was a long groan, and a slight splashing to her left. Laura slowly opened her eyes to see that the floating tabletop had been removed, and Wendy was being helped out of the hot tub by four different waiters around her.

Laura gasped when Wendy’s belly emerged from the water. Wendy, in tandem, released a whimper as she was reacquainted with the burdens of gravity. Her belly was massive—even more massive than before, were that even possible. She wailed in protest, and the waiters gingerly lowered her to her knees to the fluffy carpet and pillows that surrounded the pool edge, though at Wendy’s size, she could not achieve all fours. Instead she was perched upright, sitting on her heels, thighs spread wide, her gravid abdomen crushing against them yet resting on the floor. Her chest heaved up and down with her desperate, shallow breathing. Her belly gave a visible tremor, and Wendy groaned, her cheeks flushed a deep red, lips pressed together in her discomfort.

She was morbidly huge, practically deformed. She no longer seemed even human—more like a strange creature, her belly several times the weight that she was.

Wendy squealed as the waiters again heaved up her bolder of a belly—with considerable effort on their part. They navigated the mound into Wendy’s custom walker, though it could hardly fit anymore. Her belly bulged out at the sides, the device creaking and straining as Wendy’s mound was squished against its too-small confines. Wendy wheezed, looking faint by then. The waiters stepped back, each struggling to recover from the effort of carrying her.

Having thoroughly killed Laura’s food-buzz, Wendy wheeled herself off with the aid of two waiters at a snail’s pace. To Laura’s trepidation, the two waiters that remained were headed for Kim, sleeves still drawn to their elbows.

Lethargic and content as ever, Kim had hardly paid the scene with Wendy any mind. She opened one eye and sighed when the waiters indicated that they wanted to help her out of the tub. Giving each one of her hands, she pulled herself up.

To Laura’s surprise, Kim had grown as well. All of her breasts were bigger and now uniform in size, the lower ones pushing the plump uppers ones up and causing them to pop entirely out of her low-cut dress.

One of the waiters quickly covered Kim’s stack of fat EEs with a towel to preserve her modesty, but this did little to hide the other changes. Kim’s ass had gotten huge, most of it bulging out of the back of her dress like twin basketballs pressed together behind her, bobbing visibly with every move she made. Her belly looked bigger as well, udder swollen where it was cradled beneath it.

Kim looked entirely pleased for some reason. “Oh, this is hot,” she moaned as her thighs rubbed.

Laura gulped as Kim was guided off by a waiter, her huge ass rocking behind her. The remaining waiter hurried over to Laura.

Though she played with the idea of just staying in the hot tub forever, Laura shakily raised her hand and allowed the waiter to clasp it.

She heaved her body up from the water, scrunching her nose as she noticed how heavy she felt compared to before. Taking a gulp, Laura looked down at herself.

Her belly was definitely bigger, bigger than Kim’s was now. She looked as though she was overdue with twins, round and tight, but as she touched her mound, she could feel the resistance, as though there was still more room to grow.

Laura slid her hand down, and to her horror, she could feel her udder bulging, with no hope of squeezing back into her shorts. The nubs had distended by inches, and she would be pressed to hide it. The udder had somehow swelled up to the size of a cantaloupe. Laura shuddered in remorse.

Back straining, she carefully climbed out of the hot tub. Her breasts rocked, and she noticed that they had grown as well, at least as large as Kim’s, all of them uniform. The formerly-loose button-down was now tight against her. She whimpered and cradled her wobbling udder as she was led off, oblivious of where the waiter was taking her.

The other patrons of the restaurant watched on with grins and murmurs, as though she was some spectacle they had been waiting for. The girl Laura had snorted at before crossed her arms, a nasty smirk on her visage.

Laura was led into what seemed like an elegant take on a locker room, where the waiter unceremoniously pulled off her top and dried her off. Before Laura could even squeak her indignation, she was bundled up in a large, fluffy robe, and then guided through a sumptuous corridor.

Her groin was tingly, hot, and swollen, making her knees almost buckle at times in her progression. Even worse, she could somehow feel herself still growing, the strong pressure in her core causing her abdomen to clench and her skin to prickle. She could feel waves of heat and tension pulsing through her masses. Somehow it felt nice, horrified as she was.

A second waiter had arrived, the two of them looking slim, tidy, and unruffled as they escorted Laura, each holding one of her hands and an elbow. They treated her with polite dignity despite the earlier gawking patrons. None of this was unusual to them. It was a…routine thing.

Behind a thick wall of scarlet curtains, Laura entered a room that was windowless and circular, intricate chandeliers casting low beams over the walls. The floor was covered in soft white carpeting, and a massive round bed dominated the center of the room. It seemed more like four beds in one, and was covered in crimson sheets of silk.

Kim and Wendy were sprawled on different sides of the bed almost adjacent to each other. Wendy was on her side, still panting quietly, and looking obscenely gigantic, her face flushed and sweaty. Her belly pushed towards the center of the bed, and laid there, heaving visibly. Laid out like that, she was beginning to look like a girl attached to a mass rather than the opposite.

Kim laid supine, leaning on one of her elbows to peek at Laura. She grinned cheekily. “How fun was that?” she laughed.

Next Chapter



Loving the cow pampering! Interested to see if they offer any other services to further corrupt our heroine. Her new friends are standing out nicely too.


Damn! For a sec there I thought Wendy had reached her limit!


You forgot the III in the title :VoHiYo:

Night Akula

Favorite chapter so far!