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Note: This is a male version of Piglets.

Summary: Aaron is impregnated with mutated pig sperm. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, multiple breasts (3 pairs), lactation, stuffing, animal pregnancy, animal characteristics/partial transformation, butt expansion, weight gain, birth.

Previous Chapter


When Sammy woke up the next morning, she almost thought the whole thing had been a dream, but she saw that Aaron was still sprawled, unconscious, on the living room couch. Sammy lifted the wine glasses and brought them to the sink before she returned to Aaron and surveyed him. She reached down and carefully lifted his shirt over his stomach, then frowned at seeing the subtle mound was gone. Maybe Aaron had digested the sperm. Maybe the human reproductive system was too toxic, or alien for pig embryos to develop there.

Lowering Aaron’s shirt, Sammy sighed. She wouldn’t throw out the project just yet. There was a chance that the sperm had integrated with Aaron’s biology and developed into embryos and settled deep inside the artificial womb. She would just have to wait and see. Pig gestation was about four months long.

Shaking her head, Sammy reached down and grabbed Aaron’s shoulder. “Aaron, wake up.”

Aaron groaned and opened his eyes. He blinked at her a few times. “Sammy?” Aaron looked around. “What am I doing in your dorm?”

“You don’t remember?” Sammy gave him a faux-worried expression. “We were drinking and you passed out. You must have had three—four glasses. Still, I’m surprised. I had no idea you had such low tolerance for alcohol.”

“Neither did I…” said Aaron, rubbing his head. He felt foggy, but not as though he was hung over. His ass was sore for some reason, though he hadn’t had anything down there since—he lightly shook us head. “Uh…thanks for letting me crash here.”

“No problem. I’m just glad you’re alright.” Sammy returned to the kitchenette. “Can I make you breakfast? You must be starved.”

“Actually…I am,” said Aaron in mild surprise. He rarely ever felt hungry, but he felt it now.

Sammy threw him a smile.

After breakfast, Aaron gathered his bearings and prepared to leave. Just as he headed for Sammy’s door, the girl in question grabbed his shoulder.

“Wait Aaron.” Sammy bit her lip, looking hesitant. “I want you to take this.”

Sammy placed what looked like a large granola bar in his hand. It was wrapped in foil, and had the words ‘Zeke’s Specialty’ written on it.

“What’s this?” said Aaron.

“Well, I know you’ve been having issues with your self-image. This is a weight-gaining supplement.”


“I’ve been using them since I was in high school,” Sammy lied. “They really helped me fill out. I have a whole box of them.” She walked to a closet and opened it, to reveal the box in question.

What Sammy did not admit was that she had never taken any of the weight gaining supplements herself. She had them left over from volunteer work she had done a few years back, where she had distributed them to nursing homes and other populations at high risk of being malnourished. The supplement was extremely powerful, and only supposed to be used on high-risk individuals and in small doses.

Aaron looked Sammy over. “Are you…serious? I would never think that someone like you would need something like this.”

Sammy winked at him. “It works like a charm. Really helped me pack on some weight and muscle. I used to take three a day, but I don’t need it anymore. In fact, you should take the whole box.”

Aaron’s eyes widened. “I—couldn’t.”

But Sammy was already lifting the box. “Really, take it. I want you to have it. It’s just taking up space here.”

Sammy placed the large box of weight-gaining bars into Aaron’s arms. Aaron awkwardly carried it out of the apartment, wobbling slightly from the size of it. When he finally got back to his dorm and lowered it to the floor, he dropped himself onto the couch.

“What a night,” he mused.

Over the next few days, Sammy insisted on being Aaron’s lab partner in all their classes together, and for some reason, Sammy insisted on handling anything entailing smoke, gasses, or chemicals. Aaron was confused, but didn’t question it. He was actually rather pleased with the lack of hands-on work he had to do in their partnership. And he had been feeling rather lazy lately as well.

When Sammy thought he didn’t notice, Aaron could feel her looking him up and down, scrutinizing him, and sometimes frowning to herself as she did. Aaron sort of pitied her. She was so in love with him! Or what if she was starting to figure out his relationship with Megan? He needed to handle this situation before it imploded in on itself.

Aaron looked down his own body, a little self-conscious by Sammy’s scrutiny. He thought of the gainer-bars she had given him, and wondered if they were working at all. He had started taking one a day, and he was almost certain that the bar had caused a strange boom in his appetite. He found himself eating more often, even finding room when he was already stuffed. Because of his thin body and small stomach, it was still difficult for him to tolerate a lot of food at once. During lab, he snuck nibbles of nuts just to keep his stomach from audibly grumbling. On top of that, he was getting rather fatigued lately.

That night, Aaron surveyed himself in his full-length mirror. He was hesitant to believe he had managed to put on any weight. His bony chest seemed a little bit softer, but he could have just as easily been imagining it. His hips seemed less nonexistent than usual, and his thighs might have been a tiny bit thicker. Aaron tapped his ribs. A bit more flesh where there had only been bone. But as the change was so minor, it was hard to see any difference at all.

There was a knock on the door and Aaron pulled on a robe. He answered it to find himself face to face with Sammy.

“Hey Aaron, what are you up to? It’s been a while since we hung out.” Sammy was holding a grocery bag with some bags of tortilla chips and dip in it.

“Oh, right,” said Aaron, a little caught by surprise. He stepped back so Sammy could enter. “Come in. I’ll just go get dressed.” Aaron walked off to his bedroom.

When Aaron returned to the living room, Sammy had opened two large bags of chips, a container of cheese dip, and a container of onion dip, setting them all on the coffee table. It seemed a lot for just the two of them.

Dressed in a sweater and some jeans, Aaron took a seat on the couch. He grabbed a chip, and submerged it in the cheese dip. He then withdrew it and crunched down.

“So how’s it going with the weight gain bars?” said Sammy, scrutinizing him, as she had gotten into the habit of doing.

“Okay, I guess. I’ve been taking one a day,” said Aaron, taking another chip, and dipping it.

Sammy’s face fell. “Just one?”

“I can’t tolerate a lot of food at once,” Aaron explained. “Small stomach.” He patted his flat abdomen, and Sammy’s eyes darted down to it, her face rapt.

“Then you have to try to eat food throughout the day. Build up your tolerance, stretch your stomach a bit,” said Sammy, wearing a peculiarly pained expression. “Aaron, you have to put in some effort.”

“I’ll give it a shot.” Aaron shrugged, and Sammy nodded eagerly. Aaron took a seventh chip, not noticing that Sammy had yet to touch one.

“Try taking two bars tomorrow,” said Sammy, refusing to move on from the subject. “An hour after your meals. Then three bars the next day. You’ll get used to it. Trust me.”

Aaron stared at Sammy, wondering why the girl was so invested in his gaining weight. Did he really look that horrible? He had always been underweight, but he had never really thought of himself as unhealthy. Sammy seemed to read his expression.

“It’s just painful for me to see others suffering with the problems I had growing up. I know you could be so much happier, Aaron,” she explained. Something gleamed in her eyes.

Aaron nodded as he submerged his fourteenth chip in some dip. When Sammy left, she left the chips behind.


After Aaron had managed to finish half of the family-sized bag of tortilla chips (and half of the extra-large jar of cheese dip), he went to his bedroom, feeling uncomfortable. “Expand my stomach, build up my tolerance,” he echoed what Sammy had told him. He groaned as he climbed into bed.

The next day was a Saturday, and Aaron was off from classes. He usually ate half a bagel for breakfast, but Aaron ate a whole one that morning. He sat down and channel surfed for an hour, before eating one of the gainer bars, as Sammy had advised the previous day. It was difficult, and he felt full, but it wasn’t painful, and it did not make him feel as though he was going to be sick. Within an hour, his stomach began to grumble again, but Aaron did not think he could handle anything more.

He placed his hand on his stomach, wondering what was going on with his body lately. Though he was stuffed, it was still urging him to eat more.

Within a week, Aaron had worked his way up to three gainer bars a day, on top of his meals, and he was confident that he had finally put on some weight.

His bony chest was finally hinting at pecs. His formerly concave abdomen was now coated in a thin layer of fat.

Megan had noticed, and had been complimentary towards him the previous evening. In fact, she had been complimentary all night long.

In lab, Aaron smiled to himself as he allowed Sammy to handle most of the experiments. And after class, he nearly hugged her.

“Thank you so much!”

Sammy gave him a grin. “How are you feeling?”

He had been feeling a little bloated, but not too bad. Gas was the least of his worries. “I feel great.”

“Well you look great,” said Sammy, her eyes dissecting him, paying special attention to his stomach region. He knew she was exaggerating, but he would take the compliment. “Why don’t you come over tonight? We have lots to discuss,” Sam added absently.

Aaron shrugged. “What time?” He knew he shouldn’t have still been leading her on, but the attention was kind of nice.

When he arrived to Sammy’s dorm that evening, it was warm, and smelled delicious. Sammy had several pots cooking on the stove. Aaron’s stomach growled, but he knew he had no hopes of sating its desire for food. He was still struggling with eating whole bagels in the mornings.

“You’re cooking,” said Aaron as Sammy returned to the stove.

Sammy threw him a smirk as she stirred something in a pot. “I figured we could try some exercises

Aaron raised his eyebrows.

“Eating exercises. To expand your stomach’s capacity.”

Aaron hesitated. “If you think it’ll work.” He shrugged.

Sammy was a biology major. He supposed she knew what she was doing.


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