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Note: This is a story-prompt for Phat94.

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Iowa sat slumped over her large belly, feeling a combination of heavy, uncomfortable, exhausted, and inexplicably, aroused.

By then her belly was a hot, throbbing mound in her lap, and the scientists were happily stuffing her face with pastries, each gooier than the last. They were covered with decadent icings, or bulging with custards and creams. They disappeared one by one as they were impatiently crammed into her mouth. One of the scientists was consistently taking samples of the milk, or rather, the—the sauce, as it seeped from her belly-nipple. In consequence, the desserts would switch up in some way, becoming sweeter, or creamier, of more bland, depending. From what Iowa could gather, they were experimenting on her, trying to get her to produce the best quality sauce that she could.

“Please…oh…” Iowa groaned as she shuddered. Her weary eyes lifted just long enough for her to look at the pulsing mound of her gut. She was getting huge. It was hot and heaving, like rising dough. She couldn’t even believe she could get so massive. “Stop,” she entreated between the mouthfuls of food. Yet the feeding continued.

It wasn’t until evening began to fall that the scientists suspended their assault. Immersed in low, delighted discussion, they trailed out of the room one at a time. A final scientist set Iowa up with an IV line, before he also exited the exam room.

Iowa dozed in and out of consciousness. She noticed that the soreness of her shoulders had improved considerably—apparently she had been unchained from the wall, and even had the option to lie down—but she was too exhausted to move. From time to time she shifted, but quickly found herself slumping back again, feeling too heavy and full, her belly tense and hot in her lap.

It was dark now. The mound was fully engorged. At some point the nipple had stopped seeping, which, at first, Iowa had seen as a benefit, but now the tightness was making her squirm in unease. She pawed at her mound, but was reluctant to stimulate it, as much as she seemed to crave for just that.

Her mound filled her lap and bulged out at her sides, having grown wider than she was, but Iowa was sure that she could still get up. If she tried—if she focused—maybe she could—

The door creaked open. Iowa tensed at first, but then tried to relax, and pretend that she was still asleep.

She opened her eyes just slightly enough to see that one of the scientists had slipped back into the room and was carefully approaching. Iowa shuddered slightly as the scientist gently stroked the side of her hot mound.

“Oh yes…” the scientist hissed. It was a woman. Iowa tried to recall her identity. She thought her nametag had read Pam.

Again, Iowa lifted her eyes, to see that Pam’s were rapt and focused on her belly. She had not even noticed that Iowa was awake.

Pam dropped to her knees, as though to worship her. Cool hands cradled either side of Iowa’s mouth. Iowa gasped as Pam closed her warm mouth around her belly-nipple.

The first suck felt like an electric shock coursing through Iowa’s body, shooting into her nipple, leaving her to choke out, too stunned to react. Pam took another long draw, and Iowa feebly tried to squirm away, but Pam’s grip on her sides was rough as her fingers kneeded into her bobbing gut, her sucks shooting tingles of pleasure straight down to Iowa’s loins.

Despite herself, a moan escaped Iowa, thighs twitching as she was assaulted with pressure, and pleasure, and more stimulation than she could handle. Her body was overwhelmed with a formidable hunger. She thrust her head back and released another groan as her belly, in tandem, gave a monstrous grumble.



Fantastic! Although it does say Pam dropped to HIS knees!