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Summary: At the age of 18, while suffering from butt-expansion and unending arousal, Ryan discovers that he is half-alien and he has gone into heat. Ryan is resistant to the concept for a while, but finally resorts to getting laid. Unfortunately for Ryan, this results in a perpetually-growing pregnancy that cannot be birthed until his supply of offspring is “replenished” by more mating. Contains: Male: belly expansion, breast expansion, butt expansion, egg laying.

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Ryan’s belly tensed and his throat burned. He choked, thinking that the bit of eggs he had managed to get down was coming back up. But this was larger, and harder, than any half-digested scrambled eggs. He tried to cough, only to realize he couldn’t breathe. And it was painful, burning, his throat feeling as though it was about to burst. He looked at his parents for help, but his chest heaved violently, and his impulse to dislodge what he had retched was overwhelming. His chest heaved again and again, until he hunched over, clutching his belly tightly, and from his throat burst a—

“Egg?” Ryan sobbed out, gasping for breath. He stared at the somewhat translucent round object that had clattered onto his plate. It looked firm but soft, though Ryan didn’t dare touch it. It was about the size of a baseball, and Ryan could hardly comprehend how it had fit up his throat. He could see a dark, foggy figure within. Ryan panted, bits of saliva freely rolling down his chin.

“Ohhhh…” His belly tensed again. Tears started rolling down his cheeks as he rubbed his hands up and down the swollen mass in his lap. “No, no, no, no…” he moaned pathetically. He pulled up his shirt, his massive abdomen flushed and visibly throbbing. It was so tight, he felt as though it would burst. He released a choked noise as it tensed again, and he desperately tried to get his body to calm down.

“Oh Ryan!” Beth hurried over, but Ryan roughly jerked away from her.

He arduously stood, and marveled at how low and massive his belly was, where most of it protruded from beneath his shirt. Holding the side of the mass, he part-waddled, part-staggered away, ignoring as both his parents trailed him.

Once he had shut and locked his bedroom door behind him, there were immediately knocks on the other side. Ryan ignored them.

His free hand clutching at his arched back, Ryan made his way over to the bed. It wasn’t painful, but it was somehow agonizing all the same. The fear, the tension, the wiggling movements, and the weird shudders running through the mass. He couldn’t stand any longer, he was just so tight. It felt as though something inside of him would rupture. Ryan eased himself onto the bed, and hissed in discomfort. His eyes widened, and he covered a belch in panic. Thankfully, nothing else came up.

It took several minutes of awkward maneuvering to get himself into a recumbent position. Even then, he shifted awkwardly, and whimpered, almost certain that he was going to die.

Feeling more broken and vulnerable than he had ever been in his life, Ryan reached across his mattress, and pulled his cell phone free from his backpack. Tears still freely sliding down his cheeks, Ryan scrolled through his contacts, made a selection, then lifted the phone to his ear.

It rang a few times before a curt voice picked up. “Hello?”

“Jack,” Ryan croaked, his cheeks burning. “I can’t believe I’m doing this, but can you—can you come over my house?”

There was a long pause on the other line, not even a trace of breathing. Finally, the line went dead, and Ryan blankly lowered the phone to the mattress beside him.

What had he expected? He and Jack weren’t friends. They were hardly even acquaintances.

Succumbing to his emotions, Ryan cried silently, questioning why this had happened to him, of all people? He carefully shifted himself over the next few minutes, and hours, but no position ever felt right. There was nothing to alleviate the throbbing pressure in his gut, which was finally verging on pain. He felt hot and wired, with no hope of sleep. He held his stomach and rubbed it blankly.

Ryan was sweaty and listless by then, staring at the far wall. He didn’t know what was going to happen, but didn’t dare ask his parents. He sucked in a sharp breath as the pressure suddenly peaked at his navel.

There was another gentle knock on the door, and Ryan flinched. “Go awa—!”

“Ryan,” Clark cut him off sharply. “One of your friends stopped by.”

Ryan blinked in astonishment. He had become an outcast at school had no friends that he could think of. It couldn’t be….

“We found the spare key to your room,” Clark continued. “Is it…okay if we let him in?”

Ryan’s throat was dry. “Yes,” he managed.

A key turned in the lock. Seconds later, the door opened, and Jack stepped in.

Ryan’s heart raced as Jack goggled at his form. He closed the door behind him.

“I can explain...” Ryan flushed as a shudder ran through his body. He fidgeted, but hardly had the energy to pick himself up from where he was sprawled on his side. “..if you want me to. Or…I don’t have to. Your involvement can end here.”

Jack continued to stare.

“I just need you to fuck me.”

Jack’s jaw dropped for a moment but quickly gathered it up. “Are you dying or something?” he said aloofly. “And this is your last wish? My cock?”

Ryan didn’t think it was possible, but he felt himself go yet redder. “Not…exactly.” He groaned as his belly tensed. “Ohhhh…”

Jack marveled at the throbbing mass, more fascinated than disturbed. He approached and unthinkingly reached down to lay his hand on Ryan’s belly.

“Nrrghhhh…” Ryan grunted as his navel pulsed painfully. There was more seeping of that frightening clear goo from the dimples in his belly button. Then both teens fell into a stunned silence, Jack’s expression again conflicted between amazement and disgust.

“Actually, I c-can’t explain,” said Ryan ruefully.

Jack hesitated, bit his bottom lip, then began to undo his belt. Just the sight of it left Ryan’s backside heated and throbbing.

“C-careful,” he groaned as Jack climbed behind him on the mattress.

Ryan felt Jack ease up behind him so that their hips were aligned. He moaned as Jack planted his hands against his plump ass cheeks, which, by then felt as though they might tear right through his sweatpants.

Said pants were pushed down in Jack’s hands, revealing the disproportionate swell of his ass where it bubbled out from his otherwise slim legs, looking massive and unnatural, as though he had gotten them augmented surgically. Jack again cupped one of the plump cheeks, and then slapped it. Hard.

“Jack!” Ryan cried out, feeling his fat posterior jiggle behind him. Despite it, he felt his semi-hard cock jerk, almost painfully erect as it jabbed the underside of his belly.

“Do you have lube?” said Jack.

“N-No,” Ryan admitted, panting. He was doubtful he needed it, between all the growth, sweat, and strange suppleness. It was as though his body was already prepared for this. As though he was made for it.

“Hm.” Jack merely stuck his finger in his mouth.


After it was over, Ryan felt much…improved, somehow. They had even managed to change up positions, with some force and encouragement from Jack. When they were finished, Ryan was seated on his knees, his thighs spread painfully wide to make way for his low belly, which, in turn, was perched heavily on the mattress.

Jack threw the trembling mound a contemplative look as he donned his clothes. “Good luck. I guess.” He pulled on his letterman jacket.

Ryan didn’t think he could talk, so he merely nodded as he stared off. He felt sweaty and exhausted, yet strangely…content. His insides were churning relentlessly, and his pulse was pounding in his head. He hardly noticed as Jack left the room.

“It’s so good to finally meet you!” Ryan heard his mother shrill just outside his bedroom door, almost as though she had been waiting there. “Won’t you stay for dinner?”

“I should be heading out,” Jack responded cagily.

“Well come back soon!” Clark encouraged.

There were hurried footsteps, followed by the front door opening then slamming shut.

Jolted by the silence the followed, Ryan struggled to jerk up the back of his pants. It had never been fully removed, just pushed down around his knees. Ryan tugged until it was covering what he supposed was most of his ass, then feebly pulled on the hem of his shirt, which offered little in terms of coverage. Breathing deeply, he ran his hands up and down his massive round belly.

The door opened gently, and Beth poked her head into the room. “Oh Ryan—we heard!” she said gleefully.

“Oh god,” said Ryan, breathless and mortified. As his parents fully entered the room, he averted his eyes.

“How are you feeling?” said his father knowingly.

Ryan shuddered slightly. “Okay…I guess,” he forced out, still running his hands over his tight abdomen. It resembled an overinflated beachball, but felt so low he could hardly imagine supporting on his own by then. “I think something’s happening to my...oh!” His belly button ached and tightened, its tangerine size seeming to swell up to resemble a tennis ball. There was more of that weird dripping goo. “Errrnghhh…ughh…a-am I in labor?” he stammered.

“You are.” His mother sat on the edge of the bed, and pet his belly lovingly.

Ryan glared at her.

“It should take about twenty-four hours. No more than three days.”

Ryan’s eyes bulged. “What!?”


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