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Note: This is a story-prompt for Ryan Caday.

$20 Patreon Directory


When Phoebe awoke that morning, and saw her reflection in her full-length bedroom mirror, she was certain that she must have still been dreaming.

She slid her hand down her abdomen.

Her vagina had disappeared, in its place, a very small penis and testicles.

Phoebe stared for a few moments longer, blinked hard, then walked off to proceed with her day. It was certainly a dream. Either that, or she had gone crazy.

But as the day proceeded, Phoebe’s bodily changes could not be avoided. Her efforts to ignore it were thwarted when she partook in the uncomfortable new process of relieving herself. She grasped the unfamiliar cock in her hand.

For the rest of the week, Phoebe walked about in a confused haze, a fugue state, that never relented to give way to acute panic she could sense just on the cusp of her brain.

She went to work, as usual. Showered and dressed, as always. Tried, and failed, to ignore it.

It was getting larger. She could tell when she cupped it in her hand. It was warm, thick, pink, and when she stroked it—

Pleasure like Phoebe had never felt shot through her stomach and left her knees quaking. She stroked the organ again and again.

She came for the first time, in harsh gasps, her breasts bobbing and brow sleek with sweat. And suddenly she wasn’t certain whether this thing was a blessing or a disaster. She just knew that it was her new pleasure-center, and fuck if felt good to touch herself.

Despite this, she felt self-conscious at work, as she discreetly adjusted herself in her pants. She was definitely getting larger. She could tell, every day, that she was growing thicker, longer. She might have been close to her brother’s size by then, if judging by the accidental glimpses she had gotten of him without his shorts on.

Days passed, and soon the pleasure-limb could hardly fit into her pants. It was growing fast, and more sensitive, seeping any occasion it received the vaguest brush on a table or counter.

Her testicles had gotten plump and round, genitals as a whole making an obvious bulge in her pants. Her uniform was getting painfully tight, her groin looking as though it would burst right free through her pants.

When she unclothed herself, she hung halfway down her thigh, the sheer sight of it making her whimper. And at the faintest stroke, or when she merely thought about her handsome coworker, Brad, it would swell hard and fat before her eyes.

She resigned herself to wearing skirts, and constantly holding a book to her lap. As she cashiered at work, she was grateful for the high register, disgusting the way her massive cock would try to protrude out from beneath her attire, or the way her hips would rock and her cock would jab awkwardly against the inside of the register, as she rung up items and did price checks, sweaty and flushed as she was.

She was huge by then, her groin adorned with the thick, veiny cock of a horse, and it was not normal that she was getting so large.

But as she gasped, and shuddered between her sheets every evening, she would be content to think not to stress.


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