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Piglets on DeviantArt

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Summary: Gina is impregnated with piglets. Contains: Female: Belly expansion, multiple breasts (3 pairs), breast expansion, and more. Spin-off of Piglets.


Her skin was flushed continuously. Gina found herself getting sweaty from even the most minor exertions, such as from the walk between her front door and the car. Her clothes were straining to contain her. Then again, that was probably what everyone wanted.

Gina’s appetite was surging lately. She found herself eating on an almost constant basis. And when she wasn’t eating, she felt nothing short of uncomfortable.

Even the scientists seemed astonished by Gina’s rate of growth. Investors gawked at her during meetings. And Gina was booked for more meetings that ever. Many were back-to-back, and squeezed into her already-tight schedule. People were desperate to see the lab’s poster-girl and their blossoming newest project as it cumulated in her stomach.

And were it just meetings, Gina might have been able to handle it all. But she found herself booked for outings and dinners, in which she was practically made—public. She was forced to navigate her fecund mound through increasingly small doorways as waiters dropped trays of dishes, and patrons gasped and pointed, sometimes hurrying off to bathrooms either to get sick or get off.

Following the latest dinner, Gina refused any additional outings, unless the whole venue was booked for the purpose of her client meeting. She could not stomach the spectators. Rumors were flying around town already, and she was struggling as it was to maintain what little she had in terms of privacy.

That afternoon, Gina was planted firmly behind her desk, her large belly perched in her lap. It was one of the rare afternoons that she had no meetings scheduled, and she had little intention of getting up. Her lower back had been tense lately, her breasts tingling and sore. Gina heard her office door open.

“Rhonda, can you bring me the file on…” But Gina trailed off as she looked up to see not Rhonda, but Warren, stride into her office. “Doctor,” Gina greeted stiffly.

Warren closed the office door behind him and took a seat at the chair opposite from her desk. To Gina’s dismay, he was carrying a large bucket.

“Mrs. Smith,” he greeted, his eyes giving her a once-over as he examined the parts of her body that protruded over the face of her desk. “You’re coming along.”

“Indeed,” said Gina tersely. She tightly gripped her pen with both hands.

Warren lowered the bucket to the surface of the desk, and Gina wrinkled her nose. “I brought you something,” said Warren.

“You shouldn’t have,” said Gina flatly, a fake smile plastered to her face.

“Look inside,” said Warren, watching her closely.

The bucket was so large, that Gina knew that looking inside of it would entail standing, which was something that she did not want to do. But Warren would demand that she stand, even if there wasn’t a bucket. He’d want to see her progress. Gina gripped the arms of her chair, and with a good amount of squirming, she managed to heave herself up.

Warren’s eyes fell on her three pairs of DD-cup breasts on her chest, each bubbling over the three strapless bras they were squeezed into, which was evident in the black spandex dress her body was presently stuffed into.

Gina dithered for a moment. “I don't think I can take much more,” she managed, feeling pitiful as her voice stammered. “They're so b-big already. Did you know I could be carrying t-ten—”

“Open the container, Mrs. Smith.” Warren looked vaguely amused and not the least bit sympathetic.

Gina grimaced and unconsciously ran her hands over her swollen belly, which looked due with child already. Swallowing, she finally reached down to peel the cover off from the bucket.

It was full of what looked like blobs of uncooked dough.

“Just a snack,” said Warren pleasantly, and Gina blanched. “You don’t even have to eat it all now. I want you to eat one every hour on the hour, until I instruct otherwise.”

Gina gave a slight nod. The entirety of the bucket seemed clean and sanitary, but still, the thought of eating out of a bucket made her feel like a goddamn farm animal.

“Starting now,” said Warren.

Gina furrowed her eyebrows. She reached into the bucket and pulled out one of the soft masses. It felt much the way it looked, and was about the size of a peeled tangerine. She stuffed the whole thing into her mouth impatiently, and her jaw worked to chew the oily, sweet, gunky mass. It felt heavy, but she forced it down her throat. She could practically feel it hitting her belly.

“I'll know if you don't consume them,” Warren warned. “One an hour, meaning twenty-four a day. If you fall behind, catch up. In addition to that, you should eat all of your other meals and snacks, as ordinarily scheduled. As long as you keep doing what you’re told, Mrs. Warren, everything will turn out fine for you and your child.”

Gina continued to blankly gaze into the bucket. Her back twinged and her insides squirmed gently. Gripping the edge of the desk, Gina eased her plump bottom back down into her chair, her belly plopping into her lap. She contained a groan as her breasts were pushed up higher by her belly. They had gotten especially sore and sensitive, all six of her nipples swollen and erect.

Warren smirked at her. “Until our next meeting.” With that, he got up and left.

Gina decided to set her phone alarm to go off every hour, so to keep up with Warren’s orders. She resented the man, even as she chewed the dough balls throughout the day. And every time she consumed one, the piglets squirmed inside her. In addition to that, Gina forced down meals and snacks as Rhonda provided them. By the end of her workday, she was feeling terribly full.

Her three bras felt tighter as ever, squeezing, and practically suffocating her. Her breast-flesh was spilling heavily over cups that could barely seem to contain her anymore, and Gina knew that she would have to go up another bra size (or two). Making her way into her office bathroom, Gina pulled up her tight dress, and one by one, removed each of her three bras.

As she pulled the dress back down, she groaned audibly now. The sensation of the material dragging against her swollen nipples made her legs quaver.

As Gina examined herself in the mirror, she could see that her nipples were sticking out quite profoundly now. Her breasts looked even bigger without the constriction of a bra, and though the mounds were no longer supported, they were still quite round and perky, in fact, uncomfortably plump—Gina knew why. They were engorged, and she was determined not to aggravate them, lest she had an entirely new problem on her hands.

Gina made her way back into her office, her face pink as her breasts continued to be irritated by the tight fabric hugging against them. Her nipples stuck out so evidently, it was practically obscene. Now they seemed to be tingling worse, practically aching for attention. Gina tugged down her dress and eased her swollen, pillowy ass-cheeks back into her chair, and counted the minutes until Jack’s shift was over.

Her tight dress went only to her upper thighs, and she had to tug the hem down ever few moments to avoid flashing people. The material barely covered her ass. Rhonda had also dressed her in thigh-high boots to go with it, and the several inches of skin between the top of her boots and the hem of her tight dress barely seemed professional, but Gina was beyond the point of complaining about her ridiculous wardrobe. She conserved her energy for the purpose of catching her breath, hauling around her swollen mound, and resenting Warren as well as all the scientists at the lab, all the investors, the creatures inside of her—and pretty much everyone. Jack too, sometimes.

Gina perked at the sound of Jack’s voice outside of her office door. Finally. She grimaced and heaved her body up yet again, before grabbing her bag and tiredly wrapping her scarf around her shoulders. She approached the office door, and could hear Jack talking to someone on the other side of it.

“Do we have clearance to proceed with the Newton case?” said a female voice.

“I want to go over the specifications one more time. Hold off till Monday,” Jack responded, in a cool voice that Gina was not familiar with.

“Yes sir. Enjoy your weekend,” said the female.

Gina opened the office door, and was surprised to see Jack was talking to one of the scientists, as evidenced by the woman’s lab coat. The scientist was startled to see Gina, and she immediately walked off.

Jack quickly plastered his face with his typical goofy grin. “Ready honey?”

Gina peered at him, still not comprehending why a scientist had referred to Jack as “sir.” Jack was just a lab tech. “Um…yes,” she said uncertainly. “Can you grab that bucket beside my desk?”

“Bucket?” said Jack, walking over to the item in question. “Stolen office supplies?”

“Ha, ha,” said Gina sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She watched Jack lift the bucket, struggling somewhat. She almost laughed at how weak he was. “Just some client files.”

“Bringing work home, dear?”

“Just that dedicated to the job,” said Gina, resenting that she was beginning to waddle as she followed Jack out the door.

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