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Note: This is a story-prompt for Amara Rose. Spin-Off of Matthew.

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Matthew’s belly gurgled as he shuffled out of the lab. He groaned, clutching the rounded swell that had become of his abdomen. It seemed to have popped up out of nowhere during the last week, and had been steadily getting larger, now the size of a damn melon. His T-shirt was stretched down over it, straining to contain the thing.

It gurgled again.

“You doing all right, Matthew?” inquired his Calculus professor, who had followed him out of the lecture hall.

“Yeah,” Matthew managed. His belly gurgled again, this time filling with pressure and puffing out at least two inches as Matthew grunted, clutching it. The professor’s eyes went wide as he stared alongside several other college students in the vicinity. Matthew soon found himself surrounded by a small crowd of gawking spectators.

His stomach lurched again. “Oh fuck,” he moaned, staggering towards the door. “Gotta go!” he called back to the crowd for reasons beyond him. He gave an awkward wave then hurried out of the building.

Not again! Matthew was sweating bullets as he clambered into his car. His huge belly pressed up against the steering wheel, making him grunt in discomfort before fumbling to adjust the seat. He turned on the ignition and sped off towards his home, which wasn’t far.

He felt like a whale by the time he skidded across his driveway ten minutes later, half of the vehicle across lawn. His belly had only grown larger with regular pulses of heat and pressure. By then he looked as though he was nine months pregnant! Matthew staggered along the walkway to the porch. “Fuhhh!” he groaned as his belly pushed forward yet again. He gripped a pillar for balance, his face twisted in strain.

His belly button looked huge under his shirt. It had popped outward a few days earlier, but had continued to grow rapidly, now disproportionate with the rest of his belly. By then it was the size of a damn tangerine, and only getting bigger.

Matthew stumbled into the house, grateful that the door was unlocked. His belly was throbbing. He yelped at a popping sensation deep in his ass, fluid soaking through the back of his pants.

“Ew, Matthew’s fat again,” Brian remarked with a look of distaste as Matthew wobbled into the living room while clutching the underside of his belly.

Fuck, this thing is huge! Matthew eased himself down on the couch, his belly tensing and tightening uncomfortably.

Brian sneered and walked out of the room. At the same time, Harrison strolled in. At seeing Matthew’s state, an amused look came over Harrison’s face.

Fuck, thought Matthew. It was happening again. Why did Harrison keep doing this to him? Matthew could feel something lurching inside of him, his belly gurgling and shuddering.

Suddenly his stomach heaved, Matthew leaning forward, feeling like he might retch. It heaved again, his eyes singing with tears as something was shoved upwards.

He choked. He couldn’t breathe! He struggled, gagging, as something was pushed up from his belly and into the bottom of his throat. His throat burned as it was stretched painfully to the point that it felt like it was going to rupture. But it didn’t, it just stretched to accommodate the lurching object as it rose higher. Matthew struggled and gagged, his belly spasming as his diaphragm struggled to eject whatever was blocking his windpipe.

“Blegh!” Something burst out of Matthew’s mouth before he descended into a coughing fit while sucking in desperate breaths of air.

Finally, Matthew looked at the slimy object he had vomited. He stared at the thing – the egg — which look fucking enormous. Matthew had no clue how he had been able to produce it, let alone puke it. He gave a shaky sob, then coughed some more.

Harrison’s lips curled.

“Fuhhck,” Matthew moaned, spreading his thighs and leaning back, an awkward pressure shifting to his backside. But then his navel began to sting, and Matthew found himself grabbing at his shirt, pulling it up to stare at his distended belly button, which looked the size of an apple, and was pulsing.

“Oh god,” Matthew groaned, the protrusion aching worse while starting to seep a substance that was green and slimy.

“Impressive,” Harrison noted, watching the scene with clinical interest. He just stood there, not bothering to aid Matthew in his dilemma.

Matthew grunted as he bit his lip, but he couldn’t fight anymore. He threw his head back and wailed as his navel shuddered forcefully. More of the goo seeped out. He screamed as it started to open, dark spots forming in Matthew’s vision, but the excruciating pain kept him from passing out. His navel was parting, giving way to an even bigger egg crowning out of it. “FUCCKKKK!” Matthew screamed as the egg painstakingly shoved through. It dropped, bouncing against the carpet, and his belly button jerked closed again, as though nothing had happened.

“P-please,” said Matthew hoarsely, though he didn’t know what he was begging for. His belly jumped as it was rocked with contractions, yet Matthew was unaware of which orifice would be next.

His hips felt heavy and burdened. His stomach was roiling, and he felt like he had to defecate badly.

His dick began aching, hardening, and thickening. It started to contort as a bulbous lump formed at the base, and slowly expanded as something proceeded. Matthew released the most piercing nose he had ever heard come out of his mouth. “Oh god. Oh goddd!”


The End


Amara Rose

Oh my god this is….beyond amazing :0