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Summary: Violet’s roommate secretly doses her with experimental drugs, causing Violet’s stomach to progressively transform into a giant breast. Violet is oblivious and horrified as to what is happening to her body. In the meantime, her roommate secretly documents the transformation. Contains: Female: belly expansion, breast expansion, belly-breast, and more.

Previous Chapter


It really did feel like a job now.

Even Alex’s sleep wasn’t spared from the demands of her body. She was waking up every two or three hours, unable to sleep through the mounting heat and tension. She would groggily sit up and attach her pumps, her belly bobbing as she gasped from the sensation of milk pulsing out of her.

She would wait until the 2-litter collection bottle filled completely, causing the machine to automatically shut off. Though not fully drained, she would be too exhausted to get up and empty the container. Instead, she would doze off for another few hours, until she was inevitably awoken by the latest bout of sharp tension, all her mammaries fully engorged again.


Alex gasped awake. It was early morning, the room illuminated by the pale glow of the sky behind the curtains.

“Nnrgghh…” she groaned, her hands cupping her pressurized belly, where it stuck out under the hem of the too-small tank top she had on. The mound was full and tight, pink and sweaty. Alex was panting as she fumbled on the bed. She had to get a fresh container, had to pump —

“Hey,” Milton’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Alex looked up, only then noticing Milton standing there in his suit and tie. He was holding out the breast pump, which looked freshly cleaned, the container emptied.

Alex accepted it with shaking hands and attached it hurriedly to her belly-nipple before turning it on. Her eyelids fluttered as the machine got to work, her body relaxing as she sank deeper into her pillows. Her belly pulsed rhythmically as she huffed a sigh. Alex’s four chest-breasts were still tight and aching, but it wasn’t intolerable. She would deal with that shortly. “Thanks,” Alex managed as she threw her arm across her face, blocking out the light. She breathed deeply as she contemplated her unusual dilemma. Her body was just producing so much milk, she could hardly keep up anymore. And every time she was late to pump, she seemed to grow a notch, or several.

“My pleasure,” Milton said, his voice tinged with amusement. “I’m off to work.”

There was a pause between them that lingered awkwardly as Alex registered that Milton hadn’t moved. On the contrary, she could still feel him still watching her.

She pulled her arm away from her face, looking up to see Milton staring at her belly with that wistful hunger that meant he was reconsidering going to work at all.

“You have that meeting,” she pointed out, wryly.

Milton’s lip curled. “A shame,” he muttered, as he adjusted his tie. He gave Alex one more long, lascivious look, before he finally left.

Alex sighed and turned her gaze towards the ceiling. Her chest heaved with her deep breathing, all four of her swollen breasts wobbling gently under the shirt stretched across them. She couldn’t believe how crazy things were getting. Her body was a damn milk-machine.

And she was exhausted.


It wasn’t unusual for Alex to lick her hand, tasting a stray trickle of milk when she was cleaning the pump or emptying a container. But that afternoon, the flavor gave her pause, her eyelids sinking as she stood there by the kitchen sink, her swollen belly pressing against the counter. Was it getting sweeter? Alex had never been opposed to the flavor, though had always thought it weird to consume something that had come out of her own body. Recycling her own fluids, so to speak. It always seemed gross somehow, even if it had never tasted anything but pleasant. But with everything that had happened with Violet — it just made sense to not even think about that sort of thing.

But it was definitely sweeter now. The taste actually reminded Alex a lot of Violet’s milk, yet still unique in a substantial way that was indescribable. It was no wonder Milton liked it so much. Milton could never seem to get enough of it. It might have even been better than Violet’s. Alex pondered this as she trailed her tongue along her hand. Thick, creamy, and sweet. Yet comforting, almost buttery. Alex was stunned that her own body had produced this delicious nectar with no intervention of sugar or additives.

She smiled to herself and resumed washing the pump, the sensation of her belly pressing against the counter both uncomfortable and arousing.

Later that afternoon, Alex took another taste. Again, she could hardly believe how her belly could produce something so pleasant. It was practically perfect. She allowed herself little tastes of her milk with increasing frequency, her reservations discarded. It seemed harmless. A lick here, a droplet there…

Soon she was harboring an intensifying craving, just like she had with Violet’s milk. After her latest pumping session, Alex found herself staring at the output, hesitating to dispose of it down the sink drain as she usually did. It seemed a waste.

Alex uncovered the bottle. She took just a sip, and could not help groaning at the heavenly taste. Her whole being felt as though it was glowing from the inside out. The sense of comfort was incredible. She envisioned herself buried in Violet’s plump, heated skin.

Her thoughts dissolving into desperation, Alex chugged the rest of the milk.


Alex released a belch.

It was a few days later, and she felt heavier and more lethargic than ever before. She felt like a damn hippo.

She had gotten herself a new pregnancy girdle on Milton’s dime. It was huge, custom-made, and thankfully, it actually fit. Alex didn’t have the energy to be ashamed or embarrassed. She appreciated the way it supported her back and kept her huge belly-breast from bouncing around too uncomfortably. But after only an hour or two, the compression always became unbearable. So she wore it in random intervals throughout the day but had no need for it when she was just lying around, an act that seemed to consume most of her time lately.

Alex was sprawled on the couch, breathing heavily. Her hands could never seem to help their compulsion to roam her body, from the four round tits heaving on her chest, each the size of a honeydew, to her huge globe of an abdomen, the orb wider than the rest of her. She must have looked as though she was overdue with triplets. Her belly was almost always bloated into a heavy sphere, no amount of pumping seeming to alleviate the fullness within. At least it was tolerable. It was better than the mornings after Alex had unintentionally missed an overnight pumping session, when she woke up with her abdomen tight and straining, flushed and sweaty, feeling ready to burst.

She shifted slightly, feeling rather squashed under her swollen mound. At that moment, it was plump but not unbearable. The fullness actually felt rather good these days. Warm…and stimulating. She shifted again, puffing out a breath.

She absently slid her hands down to cup the undersides of the lower pair of breasts on her chest. Her fingers glided into the compressed space between where her lower pair of chest-breasts perched against the top of her belly-breast. The skin there felt itchy and tender. She reminded herself to use some powder to alleviate some of the wet friction that the area was prone to.

Alex had taken off the girdle before she sat down, now wearing just a pair of shorts that sat low on her hips, and, funnily enough, some of Becca’s maternity-wear.

She had put it on to be ironic, amusing herself and Milton that morning. The nightie hadn’t been uncomfortable, and Alex hadn’t bothered taking it off. At least it wasn’t absurdly tight like most of her other clothes. Instead, it hung loosely, pulling a little more than halfway over her belly-breast. Sometimes Alex would glide her fingers across the dark silk, or tug down at it absently.

Other times she would scratch where her flesh was exposed beneath the hem.

Her hand rubbed the rounded swell, even as her face scrunched from the various conflicting sensations, her skin tingling as her insides pulsed with increasing tension. Alex breathed heavily as her palms pushed the nightie further up, to set it at the top of the swell. Her belly-nipple was wet, swollen, and pink, nearly the size of an apple by then. Just looking at it made her throat constrict, and made electricity shoot through the painfully sensitive protrusion as it stiffened and swelled from her growing arousal.

Yet Alex was craving a different sort of pleasure. She pushed herself more upright, leaning on the arm of the couch. Her belly-nipple tensed yet more, causing Alex to press her lips in a hum, her face scrunching. Her four chest-nipples ached, Alex groaning as four corresponding damp spots formed on the nightie. God, she usually had better control than that. Her attention shifted back to her big belly-nipple, just as milk started to rise from the dimpled pore in the center, then trickle down the underside of the swell in a thin stream. Her breathing thinned.

Alex wasn’t sure why she was so secretive about her recent…indulgences. She hadn’t even told Milton. Not yet. Instead, she drank her own milk exclusively when Milton was at work. It felt shameful to Alex, which didn’t make much sense. Until it did.

She fumbled, shaking as she awkwardly tried to maneuver herself closer to the huge, swollen nipple protruding from the center of her own inflated midsection.

Suddenly the craving was overpowering. She wanted it desperately. Alex knew that retrieving the pump would be a whole process, starting with getting up, then waddling into the kitchen, to finally clean out the device as well as the accompanying containers. It would all take too long. Alex couldn’t bear the thought of the delay. Yet she knew what she was attempting was ridiculous, and there was no way she would actually be able to — all the same, she continued to fumble as her heart raced and she leaned forward, groaning from the strain, red and uncomfortable, as her various wobbling swells squished into each other. Still, Alex went for it.

She grunted as she felt a sharp ache, but she leaned into it, somehow planting her tremoring mouth against the hot, tender, belly-nipple. She enclosed the fat protrusion with her lips. Instantly, creamy fluid gushed into her mouth. Alex moaned, nearly choking on the hot, delicious milk. So fresh and thick, the experience was near euphoric. Milk filled her mouth straight from the source, then poured into belly. Alex hummed as she drank. She couldn’t believe what she’d been missing.


The milk was addictive.

Alex was vaguely aware of this. Just like Violet’s had been. This was an…important consideration.

There were a lot of uncomfortable things that needed addressing.

It was a few days later, and Alex was seated in a chair in the kitchen, her huge belly-breast perched on her lap as she absently cupped the side of it.

On her chest, she was wearing two soft, wireless bras, the bottom one strapless. The girdle wrapped around her abdomen was more lightweight than the others she had purchased. Just a band of stretched cotton fabric. It didn’t offer much in terms of support, but it at least covered her huge belly-nipple. Lately just the sensation of cool air on the sensitive nub sent shocks of sensation through Alex, and sent her milk squirting.

“You’re not serious?” Milton stood across from her, his arms crossed, his mug of coffee on the table left forgotten.

Her face pink, Alex managed to nod.

“Christ,” Milton muttered, and he proceeded to stare at Alex for a long while. “Do you even have room for that?” He motioned at Alex’s body.

“It’s not like I have any control of it,” Alex retorted irritably, wincing as her abdomen gurgled and shivered. “It’s not a choice, it’s just happening.”

Milton still looked stunned. “Okay, just — just repeat what you told me. Just so we’re clear.”

Idiot, Alex thought, as she drew a deep breath. But she refused to cede to her rising panic. “I said that I’m starting to grow, um, another s-set. Under these ones.” She cupped the lower pair of breasts protruding on her chest.

“Fuck me,” Milton whispered.

“Yeah,” Alex managed. “And it’s really fucking uncomfortable. I need your help.”



I wonder what would happen if Becca and her babies showed up again while Milton was at work 🤔🤭