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Note: This is a story-prompt for Zaxthedestroyer. It is a continuation of a prompt previously requested by iluvfoodbabies.

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The aliens were relentless. They just kept stuffing more and more food into her mouth.

When Amanda wasn’t having gelatinous sludge pumped, by hose, down her throat, Charles and Barbara were shoving what looked to be large bread rolls into her mouth. But the moment Amanda bit into them, it was clear that these were not rolls. The contents were soft and gooey, sweet and creamy. It had the consistency of caramel, but tasted more buttery. The items were forced down in quick succession, Amanda nearly choking at times.

Her throat was adapting. Straining to take each item in. Her belly was stretching and aching, being pushed beyond capacity as it was forced to accommodate an absurd mass for the brood inside of her.

Amanda’s behavior had become mechanical. She chewed, gulped, then grimaced at the tension. She repeated this process again and again as she poured sweat, her body flushed and tingling. She could feel herself filling not only with food, but with the creatures inside of her. She could feel them lurching; growing stronger.

Amanda was given a reprieve from the cakey blobs, the hose shoved back into her throat. She moaned as the lardy substance was once again pumped directly into her, gulping against the flow if just to keep from choking. Her stomach tightened with every swallow, growing heavier and more awkward. A twist of movement made her whine out.

Her body was throbbing. Her eyes gazed blankly forward, not really seeing anything. She was too overwhelmed by the various pulses and sensations littering her form, inside and out. She wasn’t even conscious of the saliva sliding down her chin. The movements in her core were growing steadily more strong.

Her belly was bigger than she was. Simply immense. She felt as though she was merely attached to the massive globe. It was not entirely firm, but had a thick layer of softness, her flesh chunky and plump, her whole body layered with that squishy insulation to service the creatures.

“Unghhh…” Amanda moaned as the hose was again removed from her throat. She was not sure how much time had passed. She had been going in and out of consciousness, her belly gurgling loudly, at times releasing strange squelching noises. Amanda grunted as the activity started to pick up, her belly giving a foreboding tremor. She clutched what she could of it, but it was just so big. She was pressed against the swollen mass, her legs spread wide as it crushed against them. She felt as though she was pinned behind a boulder. A large belch erupted from her throat, and she whined, her chubby hands rubbing into her belly, trying to pacify the increasing activity inside.

“Ohh…” Amanda winced as something visibly pushed out at her flesh. Her stomach began to shift and wobble at increasing rates, Amanda arching her back as she tried to bear the strong activity. It wasn’t long before her flesh was writhing and thrashing, her legs fumbling as her hands rubbed desperately at her stomach.

Barbara and Charles looked delighted — or as delighted as squid monsters could look.

“It’s time, dear!” said Barbara, intertwining one of her tentacles with her partners.

“I think you’re right,” Charles responded.

Amanda cried out, a powerful spasm running through her. A splash of fluid formed a puddle beneath her.

Her breasts had only gotten fatter and puffier. They were so round that they were squashing hard against her chin and threatening to advance towards her airways. They were tender and tingly, her nipples aching terribly. Amanda couldn’t help massaging them with her hands, rubbing her nipples by some innate compulsion. She groaned as they started leaking. She pinched her nipples, and they started squirting. Her flesh felt so saturated and heavy, she could not help squeezing more of the milk out of her.

There was another spasm, deep in her belly. Her groin was tightening and stinging. Amanda fidgeted her plump hips. She felt something pushing, trying to crown and escape her. “Errrghhhh…”

It wasn’t excessively large, but rather slimy and slippery. The creature was alive and fiercely trying to make its exit with or without her contribution.

Something breached! Amanda whined. Suddenly a multitude of squirmy, slimy creatures started to force their way free, rapidly crawling around her, then along her body. Several crawled up her torso, pasting themselves to her breasts, and she could feel them sucking. As startling as it was, Amanda could not deny the relief she felt as they extracted her surplus of milk.

Other creatures simply settled on her body to rest, sticking against her like glue. Yet more poured out of her, some crawling towards Charles and Barbara. Amanda moaned helplessly, her body lurching and throbbing, belly pumping creatures out yet not seeming to get any smaller.

“Oh, they’re just perfect,” said Barbara as she scooped several alien squid babies up with one of her tentacles.

“That they are,” said Charles fondly.



Oh man - I didn’t think I’d ever see this getting updated again :o