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Hey gang, time for another update. Back in December we released our One Piece Mansion video to positive reception. We're glad you all liked it despite being a bit smaller than usual! Since then we've returned our focus back to the elusive Klonoa video. In the beginning of last year we were certain it would release during 2023, but that never came to pass which greatly disappointed us. The main reason for this delay was that the balancing of writing a longform video while trying to get others out in the meantime made for a start-and-stop work pace that always ended up giving more attention to the smaller projects to have them done as soon as possible. Progress was still happening to Klonoa, but not at all in the pace it would've naturally.

We decided to let the Klonoa video become the main focus for all of January, and have made tremendous progress on the writing. Kiki wanted to at least reach the end of the script within the month, and while that goal wasn't reached it's just a matter of a page or two at this point. We don't tend to make heavy revisions to our scripts, so once the end is reached it's mostly a matter of going through the text again and tightening things up. We'll have to rewrite the opening a bit, figure out what will be recorded on camera and such, but overarchingly reaching the end of the script is like a 90-95% completion on the writing.

We're excited to move on to the next step of the production, however we also don't want to be absent for too long. When we made the One Piece Mansion video we found that dividing projects by their script completion worked without a hitch. That script was written around August-September and then put on hold while we made the Pikmin video. We had no problem going back to One Piece Mansion after Pikmin since it was merely a matter of reading what was already there, and we're thinking of the same approach for Klonoa. In other words, we might finish the script, move on to make a smaller video and then go back into recording and video editing for Klonoa once that's done. Essentially, making sure the script is finished first ensures we can hop right back in without going back into mid-writing mode, which has been our biggest issue in the past.

As always, thank you for supporting us. Your help enables us to go on these ambitious ventures, hopefully it won't be too long until we have something new to show you!

/Kiki, Alicia and a hardworking Jucika


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