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Today three years ago we released our first video on Youtube, so Kiki decided to make a fancy picture to celebrate. It's based on the Japanese box art for Sonic the Hedgehog 3, which is thematically relevant because of numbers and also because we like Sonic. Hopefully you like it and have a nice and pleasant Transparency-day!

But let's get to business!

It's been a while since we posted on here, so we thought this was a great time to update all of you on what the heck is going on with us. We're REALLY sorry that our upcoming projects are taking longer than we expected. I won't bore you with the emotional rollercoaster of creating things, but let's just say that we're getting there. Things have been a bit troublesome ever since we released the Star Fox video, and getting back on track has proven to be a lot harder than we first thought. 

HOWEVER! We have two projects that are being worked on simultaneously right now. I (Alicia) have been writing about the overlooked Playstation classic Tearaway, and we're just about ready to record the audio this week so we can finally start editing. This will be the first of the two to be released, and should hopefully be out within this month. I have just finished writing a very emotional ending that I am really looking forward to sharing with you all. 

The next one to be released after that is a really huge video about the Namco masterpiece Klonoa: Door to Phantomile, which Kiki has been working on. Since we've been writing both scripts at the same time it's further along than it normally would've been, so we are positive there won't be another extended gap between it and the Tearaway one. 

As usual, if you've backed us at any point since the Sonic Adventure video your name will be in the Tearaway video. That means even if you have to delete your pledge before it is released.

Finally, in response to Twitter being musked recently we've made a new account on Tumblr. We're not leaving twitter, but we thought we might as well branch out just to be on the safe side. Feel free to follow us if that is something that you'd fancy!

/ Alicia & Kiki (and Jucika)




Wonderful~ So excited to see these two videos come to fruition ^^

Austin Boulter

Tearaway is a game that I missed completely but always heard was good. Looking forward to seeing what it's all about!


Trying my very darndest to make people care with this one, so hopefully at least someone will pick it up afterwards :)