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Reupload of a controversial Twitter video where we die in a weird way in Sonic the Hedgehog, exclusive to all patrons. More information in video description on Youtube.


The Caterkiller Incident

Back in October 2021 Kiki recorded a playthrough of the original Sonic the Hedgehog for the Reviewer Brain video. The run was done with a fan-patch that displays the game in 16:9 widescreen resolution, which amplifies the draw distance of game assets much further than the screen reaches. This resulted in a goof where two pieces of a Caterkiller kept bouncing off screen, eventually catching up with Sonic at the goalpost of Scrap Brain Zone Act 2, which is the only level in the game which continues after the end card. This resulted in a deadlocked Sonic first losing his rings, and then dying after a failed dodge. At which the entire level restarted and Kiki cut the recording because she had already gotten what she wanted and was getting tired anyway, as seen by her literally just holding forward and mashing the jump button in the clip. In August 2022 we needed some footage of the original Sonic the Hedgehog again and found this playthrough among our files. While scouring it for good parts Kiki noticed the funny Caterkiller incident and decided to clip it and upload it to Twitter with the accompanying text "Are you fucking kidding me?". Unexpectedly the tweet went viral and saw a myriad of people both calling out Kiki's poor playing as some sort of testament to the abysmal state of modern gamer skills, as well as takes on this being proof why the newly released Sonic Origins collection is bad or indeed that the original game is bad, completely missing that this incident can't even happen in those versions of the game. Eventually we tired of the response, particularly the idea that the post was interpreted as overtly negative about the game rather than a flustered reaction on the unlikely portrayed scenario, so we deleted it to not perpetuate misinformation and bad takes (Sonic 1 is a great game, after all). We trust that our most loyal viewers may find the comedy in Caterkiller's unlikely revenge and present the original clip for you here.


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