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It's finally here! The Star Fox Bonus Video! In which we talk about a bunch of random anecdotes, thoughts and useless trivia that didn't fit into the main video. Sorry for the delay, a lot of things happened in-between us finishing the original video and this being released to you. Also, we kind of had to take a bit of a break after we were done with that huge monster. Hopefully you'll enjoy this little extra video nonetheless! It's about 25 minutes long.


We have of course begun working on and planning things that will be coming in the next few months. The idea is that we will be using July to basically try to write a few scripts and begin editing the video for August. This will unfortunately mean that there won't be a video for July as we won't be able to conjure one into existence before the end of the month. We hope you understand and look forward to next month instead!

We're currently planning for the next video to be one about Sonic Adventure. We said in the end of the Star Fox video that it would probably be about an obscure Pokémon game, but that will have to wait. We'll probably get back to it at some other point in time, but for now we have to put it on ice. The Sonic Adventure video has been a thought in Kiki's mind for a while, and it seems that it is finally coming to fruition! We think it will be a fun one that explores one of the more curious aspects of the game, but we don't want to give away too much just yet (hehe).

Me (Alicia) meanwhile am just about to get to work on something else as well. We're hoping that we can have at least two scripts done before the end of the month, because it would make it a lot easier to stick to our current schedule of releasing early in the month. I am not entirely sure just yet what I will be working on, but there are a few ideas floating around. The most likely seems to be a video about the excellent Media Molecule title Tearaway, one that I have wanted to make for a really long time. It's not a game people necessarily talk about much, but I am excited to try to make you all care! >:)


Recently we have also started streaming a bit from time to time. At the moment the plan is to do it at least once or twice a month. If you want to stay up to date about when we stream and get notified when we go live you can follow us on our Twitch channel

If you want to watch previous streams after the fact they are also archived on our extra channel for your convenience. The extra channel also has a bunch of other silly extras that you can't find on our main channel. It's mostly a bunch of shitposts that we have previously posted on Twitter, but there are also a few other bits of extra content that you might enjoy. The Star Fox Bonus Video is posted there as unlisted, so subscrible at your own leisure.


Thanks for your continued support <3
/Alicia, Kiki and Jucika


The Star Fox Bonus Video

It's finally here! The Star Fox Bonus Video! In which we talk about a bunch of random anecdotes, thoughts and useless trivia that didn't fit into the main video. Enjoy!


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