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Hey gang, so usually around this time of month is when we should've released a video. That's normally the plan anyway. This time however we've stumbled into some trouble, more specifically the sheer size of this beast. Straight up, Star Fox is a daunting subject to tackle, which means this will be the longest video we've ever made by quite a margin. That's a lot of work.

In short, the video won't be out just yet. We're working hard on getting it out during the month of May, but we can't make any guarantees. Every day we're making progress and as of writing this we've finished maybe one third of the total runtime, so hopefully it won't be too long. We hope you're okay with this delay and that you will enjoy the finished project once it's out! If you liked our previous video on Metroid this will probably be right up your alley. Maybe we should call it "The Last Star Fox | An Earnest Analysis"?

To tide you over while you wait, here's a little two minute preview from early on where we talk about the unreleased Star Fox 2 and the new characters it introduced.


Star Fox Video PREVIEW

Two minutes early on where we talk about the new characters from the unreleased Star Fox 2.


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