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For our 2 year anniversary on youtube we decided to do like the youtubers do and record a Q&A with questions sourced from the Twitter. In regular old Transparency fashion it is also a bit too long, but we hope that you'll enjoy it nonetheless. We tried to add as much visuals as possible to it for extra context, so it is absolutely possible to watch it and get something out of it – but you can also just listen to it like a podcast if you like!

There is also no music for this Q&A because we thought it would be nice if you could choose yourself whatever you want to listen to in the background while we speak. It's kind of like a collaborative effort, what fun! 

Thank you all for your continued support!


Transparency's 2 Year Anniversary Cringe Q&A

There is no music for this Q&A because we thought it would be nice if you could choose yourself whatever you want to listen to in the background while we speak. It's kind of like a collaborative effort, what fun! So this one was just such a mess to work with. What we assumed would just be a quick little video that wouldn't take too much time off our schedule ended up basically taking the entire weekend to finish for some reason. Some questions sadly did not make it for one reason or another, it's nothing personal and it kind of just happened in the process of us making this. We even recorded it twice, once on camera which we were not happy with at all and then another time with only the audio (the version you see now). Then we did a bunch of editing on top of that and it just took a lot more time than we had expected. And I mean, you can just see the length of this behemoth too. So please appreciate the work that went into this, haha. We also had a lot of trouble getting this one up for you at all. Let us tell you, for some reason this video was just murdering our video editing software in ways we've never seen before. It crashed without error messages, completely froze at different parts for no apparent reason - that kind of stuff. And it's strange because this is not really a very complicated video with a lot of heavy editing. In the end we managed to basically render out two halves of it, and then we spliced them together and did a re-rendering again. It was a complete shit show, but luckily it is here now and we hope you enjoy it! :) BONUS TRANSPARENCY LORE MEME: We forgot to mention in the video but Boo's full name is Elizabeth Maryleine Boothe. In life she was royalty, decapitated by the proletariat and now she's a ghost and also happens to be an anarchist. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/transparens TWITTER: https://twitter.com/transparencyboo


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