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Hi everyone. 

As you might already know we have been working hard lately on our significantly too long video about Metroid. While we wanted to be able to publish it before the end of the month, as we usually do, we sadly have to say that it won't be possible. Due to us being behind schedule for several different reasons and this being such a huge project we have to push it back just a little bit to be able to finish the last parts and do some fine tuning.

We don't necessarily have a set schedule, but we have always aimed to produce and publish at least one video every month. This is actually our 30th video essay, and it also marks the first time we have failed to meet that goal, which of course is a bummer, but we hope you understand and can hang in just a little longer while we put the final pieces in place. Luckily the wait won't be very long as we have decided to release it on Monday, the 4th of October. And don't worry, every single person who supported us during September will still be in the video credits for this one. Sorry for the unfortunate, although short, delay and thank you for your patience!

In the meantime we want to share with you a short little video preview of the title card, as well as some early snippets. Below you can also find some small behind the scenes pictures too, mostly of our silly on-screen set this time around but also of some mysterious squid sausages that might be relevant at some point in the video -- whoooo knoows, what an exciting mystery you're all in for!


The Last Metroid | An Earnest Analysis PREVIEW

two minutes



Looking forward to it!


No worries at all about the delay, looking forward to seeing it :)


super excited to watch this even though i know the minimal amount about metroid lol