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For the last few videos we have hinted in the end credits about changing up the patreon tiers. Even if just slightly we still want to make a post clarifying more about what we have been thinking and where we are going from here. This way hopefully no one will be confused and we can even take feedback about what you'd like to see.

But first of all we'd like to thank everyone, current and past patrons, anyone who has shared, liked or commented on our videos, all of you who has interacted with us on Discord and of course those who just enjoy what we do. Sincerely thank you!

Since the beginning we have read every single patron name during the end credits, everyone basically got that as an added bonus for being an early backer of ours. This was of course written out in the tiers, to make sure everyone knew that it would change at some point. This is based on how many patrons we have, because as you can probably understand the end credits have gotten quite long at this point, and we felt that 100 patrons would be a good cutting off point.

So right now we are making it so that any backer who pledges 5$ (Manifestation) or more will have their names read aloud in the end credits. New 1$ (Ghost) backers will however have their names read out at least once – and by that we mean that you'll have your name read in the next video after you pledge, and we still might read out EVERYONE for special occassions or whenever really. We felt this was a good compromise, and we hope you think so too!

We'd of course like to read everyone's names,  but once the outros become several minutes long it makes it a bit of a problem. It's the best kind of problem to have honestly, but we'll have to work with it somehow and we hope that you understand. If we, against all odds, explode even further and get 2-300 patrons we might have to switch this up once more but until then this is what stands. We are trying to come up with other outlets where we could read all the names, like the audio companions for example, so hopefully we'll figure something out that will make people happy.

Now we would like to hear what you think about this, if you have any feedback or if there is anything you'd like to see. Want us to make more audio companions? More extra videos like the one where Kiki shows off her freaking record collection? More tiers? Something else? No ideas are bad, just shout them at us please~



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