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Hi everyone, Kiki and Alicia here!

First of all we would like to wish you all a happy new year, hopefully you are all doing alright and had a pleasant holiday all things considered. Secondly we want to thank all of you for the amazing support during 2020, we never expected to come anywhere close to where we are right now and for that we are super thankful.  We feel motivated going into 2021 and we are ready to create more interesting, thought provoking and hopefully fun videos for you all.

With that said a few things have changed recently when it comes to our work flow. Kiki has begun studying again, and Alicia is working a day job - sadly the patreon does not pay the bills yet after all. This means that while we are two people working on this channel you might not see us push out two videos a month all the time. We still feel confident that we can make one a month as we have promised on our Patreon page, which is nice. We are still getting used to this and trying to get a better structure for how to work around this, and who knows? Maybe we will make it work perfectly soon enough to where we can produce more stuff faster. Possibly if we get a better buffer of finished scripts.

Speaking of scripts we are currently working on a few that are in different stages of completion, so let's talk about that for now.

Next one coming up is a big one about Celeste, and we plan to have it done by the 25th of  january - the birthday of the game in fact. You can probably see why would like to hit that goal. It will be a deep dive reading of the game and we are actually thinking about just calling it something like "THE Celeste Video", because by god will it be the definitive one to watch on youtube once it is ready. We are very excited about it honestly, so we hope you are too.

Meanwhile we have started researching and playing around with a script that has been in the pile of "things to maybe get to in the future" for quite some time now. That is the video in defense of the infamous laughing scene in Final Fantasy X. Maybe not the most topical considering the game is a million years old at this point, but gosh, the game is pretty thematically rich and that scene has just gotten such a bad rap over the years. We think it could be pretty fun to explore and discuss anyway, and it might be a smaller video that we can push out a bit quicker as well (if such a thing is possible for us). 

In previous posts we have talked about two games as art videos that we have in the works. It is still happening, they just went on the back burner for a while. The first script is already started however and should not be too far off to completion once we get back to it. The second video in that series is basically one that we have already finished, but it needs to be re-written and there are edits to be done for sure. 

A bit of a surprise too perhaps, but last year we finished a script about the not very well loved Disney movie Oliver & Company, because why not? We watched it on Disney+ and got kind of annoyed by the message of it, haha. We can't say exactly when it will be out though, because it is kind of a wild card, it will be pushed out once we feel there is a good opening for it probably. Until then it is our little secret, like Scar would say except without the evil intentions *cough*.

We think that is all for now, we'll be back with more stuff soon enough! 



Hey all of this sounds great! Honestly, it's a miracle to me how you are able to release a new video every month while also working a "normal" job / studying! Please take care of yourselves and just know you can skip a month whenever you really need to. There are full time YTers who don't manage putting out content of the same length and quality this often. So yeah do whatever you need to and it will be amazing. Hope you are doing well as well<3


I still need to watch your latest one but I'm also very excited for your future videos:)


Don't worry about us. If we had to take a bit longer we would do it for sure. However we'd like to not let the channel stand still for too long. One video a month feels pretty alright for us at the moment. The biggest problem right now has simply been getting used to our new restrictions and how to work around them. The biggest problem there has been getting more scripts done really. It takes a bit of time to work through them after all.