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Hello everyone, it feels like it has been a while even though we released a video just earlier this month. As expected it did not do amazing considering the topic and the game it was about, but you know how it is - you win some you lose some. Either way, ever since we finished and released that Wattam video we have been hard at work on our next project. It is called Hard Aesthetic: The Brilliance of Nintendo's Crafted Worlds. It is, as the title suggests, about games with aesthetics that look like they were hand crafted. Think Yoshi's Woolly World and Kirby's Epic Yarn. We go rather deep in this one and try to unify these games under one umbrella term which turned out to be one of our grander videos. It will be around 40-50 minutes long, so you will have a lot to look forward to.

While we wait for that, here are some work in progress pictures that might interest you. We have been playing around with some handy crafts of our own actually. We are far from amazing at it, but we hope that people will find it endearing and cute nontheless. 

This time the opening will be a bit different, as we actually crafted it from envelope paper and yarn. It took a lot more time than it was probably worth, but we are hopeful that it will come across as fun and playful in the end.

This tiny little work space is where Kiki usually sits and paints, you can see her latest work right there to the left of Alicia. We live in a pretty small apartment, and this space was orignally a dinner table in our tiny kitchen, but since we both can't really fit in there we made it into a crafting place.

This might not appear in the final video, but even Yoshi got a little playful scene to hang around. It ius made out of cardboard and envelope paper. Very cute.

The names of our 10$ patreon supporters in the opening have been made with newspaper and magazine clippings. If there are any delays on the video, and you happen to upgrade your pledge, we have to inform you that we can't really put more names in the intro than we already have. Such is the nature of making things in physical space. Luckily the outro will be a bit more straight forward.

The title of the title card is also made with envelope paper and magazine clippings. We finalized this one yesterday evening. It might not seem like a lot of work, but we have to tell you that this has taken up so many hours of our time that it is kind of ridiculous. Paper craft has to be easy and simple right? We wish, haha!

The title card will be a bit more simple this time around, but like we just said that does not mean that there hasn't gone tons of hours and work into it. We tried to make it this way to give the sort of feeling you would get from a playful kids show. Hopefully it will work out in the end, and that you like it of course.

And here we are, studio lights and all, in our stupidly tiny kitchen that might as well just be a closet. We had a lot of fun making this thing, but to be completely honest we hope we don't have to do this again, haha. If nothing else this behind the scenes view of our upcoming video might spark some interest and excitement among all you lovely people. 

We can't say exactly when the video will be up, but we are sort of hoping we can manage to push it out this week. Friday was the original plan, but considering things took longer than planned, we deal with work and school, and that Halloween might not be the best release window for this one we have to wait and see what happens. 

Either way, thank you for you patronage and we hope to see you soon on the Discord!




I was thinking: how could they possibly top the effort put into their production? And this is it! Absolutely amazing!