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Hello everyone! 

As you may know we are currently working on a video about the aesthetics of classic Sonic the Hedgehog. Today Alicia spent some time making the title card, as usual we share it with you because it is pretty fun as a small preview. Of course it might still be up for change, so see it as a work in progress for now. 

Oh, and to be perfectly clear - we did of course not animate this, haha. The amount of time that would take would be out of this world. We are not that insane yet. This is made from taking parts of a Sonic Mania trailer and making them flow together nicely. Hope you still enjoy it for what it is!

Summer has been treating us well, and a lot of things have been going on. We are getting a kitten in the beginning of August, so we have been a bit busy with other stuff beside video making. Which is sort of why we have not updated here a lot after the Rowling video. 

The kitten will probably be shared here too. Of course she will. 


Sonic Title Card [Preview]

Title card for the upcoming Sonic video.



This is incredible!


Thanks! Just to make sure no one is confused - we of course did not animate all this amazing stuff. It is taken from a Sonic Mania trailer and spliced together in a nice way, haha. Animating all this for a title card would most likely take so long, and we are not ready to go that far just yet, haha. Hopefully you will still enjoy it for what it is. Much effort still went into making it look nice of course.