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Hi everyone, hope you had a nice May Day all things considered! 

As usual we want to thank everyone for sticking with us and of course for the amazing support that keeps coming in. We are as you might have already gathered completely stunned and overwhelmed by you kindly keeping us going. So big thank yous and hugs!

Now this month we are working on several things (as usual), some of which we have not really talked about. The follow up to the Death Stranding video is still in the works but was put on the back burner for the recent video about Final Fantasy VII Remake. We are not sure if it will be the next one since it will be one with a bunch of spoilers, which might be a bit much with two spoiler heavy episodes in a row. We are still discussing what to do. However it will likely be released this month at some point. 

In other progress related shennanigans Kiki recently finished a script about Zombie bands, which moves us into the territory of talking about music as well. Might be a bit strange to some, but as the patreon says we are after all intended to talk about pop culture in general too. It is at least quite interesting to us, some big ideas in that one that we are sure could interest even someone that is not that into the particular bands mentioned in it. We are at least excited to show that we are not all about games (even if that is a big part of us), and we hope that you will find it entertaining as well.

Other than that Alicia is closing in on finishing a script about queer readings related to the two Animal Crossing characters C.J and Flick. It will be a bit of an educational one in the same vein as what we did with Pewdiepie a while back. So maybe it will be a lot of stuff you already know, since you all are very clever people, but nontheless we hope you'll find it inspiring and neat! Some very gay readings coming your way in other words.

There are also some other ideas floating around about Animal Crossing, Sonic the Hedgehog and more. However they are still in early days, so there is not too much to talk about just yet. Stay tuned!

And that is about it! Have a great one, loves~



Definitely interested in a video about Zombie bands, something I know absolutely nothing about but which just sounds cool!


We are excited to bring it to you all hopefully very soon!