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Hi, everyone!

After some ups and downs with Alicias voice we are finally steadily working on our Sayonara Wild Hearts video that we have chosen to call "The Fools Journey: A Tarot Reading of Sayonara Wild Hearts". It is coming along great and we are hoping to get it up on youtube around the 10th of april. So we hope you are excited for that!

While you wait for that we wanted to give you a sneak peak of the title card for that upcoming video, because we are pretty happy with it. As you maybe know we are really proud of our dumb title cards because we put a lot (probably too much honestly) of effort into them! It is a bit short, but hopefully you like it too! 

Other than that we want to thank you all for the support during these strange times, especially all of you who have been hanging out on the Discord! You have brightened up our days a lot! We hope that you are all staying safe out there! Lots of love!

/ Kiki and Alicia


The Fools Journey Intro (Work in Progress)


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