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Note: My apologies for the repost - I made a mistake with the settings and couldn't correct it without deleting the entire post.

So here's a bit of Ony lore from yonder: back in the very early days, when it was 10 of us ragtag gremlins in here, I used to host monthly polls to decide which piece of fanart to draw.

These polls were so contentiously popular we'd have patrons bribing other patrons for their vote and flat out trenches being built around each camp's favourites. These days were (lovingly) dubbed "The Poll Wars"

Unfortunately, as the Patreon grew and I had to focus more of my attention on rewards and comms, I had to stop running these as there wasn't really a lot of time I could dedicate to fanart anymore.

However, having been accepted to MCM London once more - and this one's gonna be chunky, as the full cast of Critical Role AND Baldur's Gate 3 will be there - I've decided to carve some time out (ie, out of my sleep schedule) to try to fit in some pieces to take with me. And because there's nothing more energising than some casual hostility, I am thus reviving the well loved tradition of putting this responsibility onto you, my coven of untamed weirdos.

INSTRUCTIONS (please follow these or your vote won't be counted)  

- You may vote for up to two characters on this poll. Any additional votes will be disqualified.

- Once you have voted, please do not change your vote.

- The options below have been picked out of the most commonly requested characters. If you have any other ideas, please select the "Other" option and leave a comment.  

- This poll will close on Saturday 26th of August, at 10am BST.


Thank you and may the odds be ever in your favour!



Karlach and Shadowheart


Karlach cuz..she's Karlach. and Zero just so Ony can have an excuse to draw her Wife <3

S D Simper

Consider... Lilith from Diablo 4 👀


Might I recommend 1 Emet-Selch? >.>