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Oh my God, where has she been...?

Somewhere the sun don't shine, that's for sure.

Please consider this a token update to firstly, inform you that I am indeed still here and secondly, apologise in earnest for the radio silence the last few weeks. May was absolutely brutal on my schedules and I have only just managed to come up for a gasp of air.

I am however extremely - and I mean extremely - pleased to announce that the worst of it has passed: Comic Con was a success and, most importantly, the bulk of the NDA work has been sent off for final review. While there is one last deadline to come for (pressumably) minor tweaks, the bulk of the work is done and I can finally leave the trenches I've been mired in since February.

I can't begin to tell you the relief I am feeling right about now and that's why I won't, because my hand looks like a clown glove and I am in desperate need of a 24 hour nap. Fret not, for I will be back tomorrow with the actual monthly update with my usual deluge on what's been going on and what to look forward to.

Once again, thank you for your patience and love you all buckets <3




May I suggest now that you make a nice cuppa, put the feet up and relax by petting the doggos :)


Take a much needed, well deserved rest! You made it through!