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It's been a minute since I got to make a mystery box, so of course I had to get back onto my 80's pop-rainbow-vomit ways!

The theme for this one actually goes all the way back to the very early days of this Patreon - when I jokingly called the WoL of one of my earliest patrons a "bubblegum lizard". This stuck so hard this patron has never changed that tag out of their server name and so when they booked a Mystery Box the result was pretty inevitable.

I honestly had a blast with this, even though at some point throughout the process I went so rough with the sketch that I nearly lost the plot trying to clean it up. I've attached some WIPs for your amusement too.

As always, your thoughts are loved in this house!

This reward was a "Mystery Box" - a type of reward where you give me a character but I get to decide how I draw everything. You can purchase these with points through my patreon reward portal StarStickers! If you're a patron make sure you sign up, and if you're not... well *cheeky eyebrow waggle*




This is super rad and I love the colors so much this is sooooooo freaking good oh my goddd


I love the colours!