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"She [Inari] descended from Heaven riding on a white fox, and in her hand she carried sheaves of cereal or grain."

This was a Mystery box in which the character/owner also uses a lot of fox motifs. I wanted to blend the two somehow, which meant this started off completely different to how it ended and went through a week's worth of iterations.

My original plan involved watercolor vibes, but then it progressively kept changing as I felt it was too 'noisy' and I wanted to reduce it to something more symbolic. And that's how we got this sin-eater-okami blended godess out of what was once a cute lil miqo'te.

This is probably the furthers departure yet from the original material in a mystery box, which is always a risky bet but... I guess that's the appeal of it?

Either way, would love to know your thoughts!

This reward was a "Mystery Box" - a type of reward where you give me a character but I get to decide how I draw everything. You can purchase these with points through my patreon reward portal StarStickers! If you're a patron make sure you sign up, and if you're not... well *confusedeyebrow waggle*




Hey Ony! This is stellar 😁 I think you balanced the motifs and noise level very well with the colour palette and background you opted(?) for. It's giving me this almost ethereal vibe — similar to what one might feel looking at a giant statue or old mythological painting. Leaves one with a "Damn." reaction. (And apologies if the long thoughts are unwanted! It's a habit 😅)

Shaun Potter

Bloody love it 😍