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Another Mystery Box in which Ony takes the wheel and forgets to hit the breaks. (Full piece in the thumbnails below!)

As with the last piece, I wanted to use this chance to do a study. I make a lot of standing-smiling, dancing or fighting pieces, but I rarely get the chance to try out every-day poses, so this gave me a good excuse to practice my overall gesture as well as anatomy.

For the record, this is an atypical Mystery Box (which is more often a smaller piece) . Pieces of this magnitude are the sort of content you can expect from the upcoming "Ultimate Mystery Box" - which is like the current MBox, but with a larger scope that might include full bodies, rendered pieces or more. I've been trialing some of these out on the current Mystery Box to get a sense of proportion and whether it's something I can work on reasonably quick, so with that evidence in hand I'm pleased to say [ please look forward to it! ]

This reward was a "Mystery Box" - a type of reward where you give me a character but I get to decide how I draw everything. You can purchase these with points through my patreon reward portal StarStickers! If you're a patron make sure you sign up, and if you're not... well *sneezy eyebrow waggle*



Evilyn the Devilyn

~above & beyond "my reverie" begins to play~


Oh I loveeee! 😍