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Alright my lasses, lieges and squires. We meet here, upon the dawning of a new Spring, to dust off cobwebs, debris and whatever that thin film of something I’m not about to enquire about is.

We also meet here to finally receive the much coveted spring updates on, well, everything.

Firstly, let me bring you the briefest update on the situation I mentioned in my last update post: As of the weekend just gone, we have received a clean bill of health from the vets and it looks like my little old lady will be making a recovery. We’re still in the early days and not everything is quite right - including our sleep schedules - but things are finally looking a little bit up.

To those of you who upgraded your pledges, supported me verbally or simply stuck by through this period of low activity, thank you so much. You all kept me sane through one of the most harrowing months I can remember and I can never really say how much it all means to me.

With that out of the way, let me wrestle the point back into this post:

StarStickers Rewards

In the last update I mentioned I had to postpone the opening of this month’s rewards until things were starting to turn the corner, so with that, the planned opening will be happening Wednesday, April 13.

I know there’s a LARGE amount of interest in this batch and so what we’re going to do is as follows:

I will be opening a bigger batch than usual (aprox. 12 rewards as opposed to 5-6). This will be on a sign-up basis, as I did a couple of months ago, which will require you to send me a DM (preferably on discord) with the reward you wish to book.

You will have to do this regardless of any list you’ve signed up to in the past, and preference - as usual - will be given in the order of those who’ve yet to receive something to those who have received the most.

Please understand that not everyone will get a reward in this batch, but those that don’t will be put on a 1-month waiting list. If any other rewards drop or additional time was found to fit more, I will then let those people know. After 1 month, that list will be thrown out and anyone on it should reapply again.

By the end of Wednesday (April 13), I will publish a list with anyone who got a reward in the discord and allocate them myself into the system.

After that, please note that REWARDS WILL REMAIN CLOSED IN MAY. Pending things go well, they will reopen in June, so don’t fret - this will give me an opportunity to catch up to my backlog and, more importantly, overhaul the system to introduce new features and rewards such as an Outfit Design option, Ultimate Mystery box and more - so hold onto yer breeches!

Commission Information

I know there has been a ton of interest in my commissions for a while and I am pleased to announce that I will be opening a new batch as soon as April 22.

This lot will consist of 15-20 slots (to be confirmed) and it will be a little different in the way I divvy things up. Here’s the plan breakdown.

Who will be eligible to apply:

  • The first batch will open for Extreme and Advanced patrons who’ve been pledged since April 2022 and who didn’t receive a commission from me in the last batch (i.e, 2021).
  • A second, smaller batch with limited options will open for Intermediate and Easy tier patrons who didn’t receive a commission from me in the last batch (i.e, 2021.

How will the slots be allocated:

Among all applicants in this batch, slots will be distributed as follows:

  • Some slots will be secured by top pledging patrons (either by tier or pledge longevity)
  • Some slots will be selected randomly among those who applied to this batch
  • Some slots will be picked based on the concepts or ideas I find most interesting

A day after the form closes, all successful applicants will be notified to confirm their slot and shortly after a list will be made public in the Discord and on the Patreon timeline.

How can I apply?

On the 22nd of April - at around 12pm BST - I will make a form available to all eligible patrons through both Discord and the Patreon timeline.

This form will remain open for 48 hours to give everyone ample chance to fill it in their own time. As slots will be allocated following the above criteria, there is no need to rush as the order of applications will not affect the selection process.

Additional information:

  • Those who successfully claim a slot in this batch will not be eligible to receive another commission from me in 2022.
  • Those who apply but fail to secure a slot in this batch will be welcome to apply again in future openings.
  • Once allocated, commissions will be worked on in batches of 3 pieces at a time. All commissions are charged in full a week in advance of commencing the project.
  • The price of a commission is a separate fee to the price of your Patreon tier. You can find my price chart here and you can apply for a discount through StarStickers up to a week before your commission is started.
  • Further information regarding requirements, terms and conditions will be published at the time of opening slots.

As a side note, this will be the last batch I open for a while. My intent going forward from this will be to integrate what I currently offer as commissions into StarStickers in order to improve my focus and streamline my workload. I will be posting more updates on this subject after the April 22 opening, so please look forward to it!

And, as always, if you have any questions please feel free to DM me!


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