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Mandatory "What is an art challenge?":  Art challenges are a casual way for everyone to get involved in doing something creative, with no pressure or need to do a perfect job. It's not a contest or competition- everyone is welcome and all patrons receive the same rewards. Furthermore, it's not just open to artists, but to writers, video editors, sculptors or anyone with two hands and a creative thought in mind.


Well, believe it or not we are nearing the end of Summer (unless you’re in the UK, where we’ve apparently been tunneling from Winter to Winter all year long), so we’re gonna be as as predictable as an anime having a Beach Episode filler.

One thing I miss from the summers of olde  - aside of having more time off than I deserved or knew what to do with- is the notorious “Summer Hits list” that steamrolled you with bubblegum hits offering a visual into California surfer lifestyles for middle-class suburban kids to live vicariously through. Nevermind that she’s living in a matchbox-sized apartment as hot as the sun’s ass - little Ony’s living it large in tikki beach parties inside her head, courtesy of ‘Genie in a Bottle’!

Perhaps that little insight into TMI is why I heavily associate summer to songs so cheesy they’ll give you indigestion, so based on this True Story™ your challenge for this month is:

DJ take the wheel

To participate in this challenge you must pick a song from this curated playlist [ SPOTIFY  || YOUTUBE ] and manifest it into some spicy summer vibes, whatever that means for you. You can do it by picking apart the lyrics, including the song in your creation or using the feeling the song evokes to inspire your art - even if that feeling is utter disrespect for me and my musical choices.


So how do I participate?

This challenge is open to ALL SKILLS and MEDIA, such as:

  • Drawing and Crafting
  • Writing
  • Photography and screenshotting (see rules for specific instructions)
  • Music composition
  • 3D Rendering
  • Others (DM me if you have an idea not listed)

Core rules apply to all entries:

  • The work must be created specifically for the challenge
  • It must be obvious that enough time and effort was put into the entry
  • Along with your entry, you must explain your reasoning in applying the theme to your piece

For specific rules about each type of media, please check the following document: http://bit.ly/art-challenge-rules

Your entry must meet these requirements to qualify for points. If your entry does not meet the requirements, you will be informed of what you need to change or adapt.

Where do I post my WIPs (Discord/Patreon supporters only)?

You may post the WIPs of your work in #art-talk just to share and #art-feedback for critique. Once the image is complete, please post it in #art-challenge.

What do I get for participating (Patreon supporters only)?

5 points on StarStickers

Wtf is a starsticker?

Starstickers are the currency with which you'll be able to buy rewards from the points shop I launched last month. You can check it out here (and sign up if you're a patron!)

What's the deadline?

September 6th



S D Simper

Oh boy, this is sending me back to the 2012 Tumblr hellscape era of dramatic song lyrics written into even more dramatic fanfics . . . I'm so excited. (I'm sure it's still a thing, but that was its peak.)


Haha that's what I may have been thinking of when I set this as a challenge. Can beat some songfic angst!