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Happy June everyone!

Just a quick update from me to confirm the rewards have gone out, plus a massive thank you for your continued support, plus a little apology for the slight delay this month! Some life commitments got in the way, but as usual, we're back on track~

So, updates!

New Tier: Advanced+

You may or may have not noticed a new Patron tier. This was in response to some of my lovely patrons, who have been clamoring for a higher supporter level just because they're amazing and I don't deserve them.

For the time being, the rewards for this tier will be the same as those on the Advanced tier, plus a Discord title and perhaps a little surprise bonus. Going forward, more rewards will be developed for patrons on this tier.

Commission changes

As announced last month, commissions have now been closed to Intermediate and Advanced(+) tiers only. Intermediate tier supporters will hace access to the list, whilst Advanced(+) will have priority.

Easy patrons who joined the list before the change will be grandfathered in and their commissions will still be processed. You can see the waiting list here and if you have any questions you're always welcome to contact me at cindy@windmill-walk.com 

Future plans

Since stopping the blogs last month, I've been looking for platforms and ways to bring them back in a more friendly and open environment. I've considered options such as the Artstation portfolio sites, to perhaps coding my own website. On the side of that, I have also been testing out more streaming options - you can follow my channels on Picarto and Twitch

What I'm hoping to do is to put myself out there more, bring my knowledge forward and try to help as many people as I can. In the next few months I'm hoping to produce a series of mini-art lessons and Q&As on everything, from how to use Photoshop to how to draw hair, so if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments!


And that's all from me folks! As usual, if you have any questions I'm only a message away! <3


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