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As promised, here's the WIP of this month's Alisaie piece!

Just a few days late because of a nasty stint with the flu and something called uh... *checks pamphlet* ... vestibular neuritis. Which sort of means I couldn't even hold a pencil without throwing up. Like being in a Fun House without the Fun! 

Please feel free to give me your thoughts, feedback and critique if you feel there's something that could be better (or that you love!)




As I said on your Tumblr : I love the sketchy style - I love seeing the artist’s own hand in their work. I love the background shading and I really like the color palette. It’s also fun to imagine Alisae on her ‘day off’ in her casual clothes. I like how you’ve interpreted these women so far and can’t wait to see your next ‘jewel of Eorzea.” And I am very glad you are feeling better!