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Sorry if I’m the one to break the news, but we’re 25% through the year. We’re practically in 2025 guys, because we all know that remaining 75% will slip by faster than a paycheck.

May as well start making your new year’s resolutions now so you don’t sleep on breaking them all real early.

I’ve rewritten this update so many times that at this point I’m just vaguely angry at it. A lot happened in March and while part of me wanted to wax poetic about its trials and tribulations, another just wants to slam the door on it and scream for karma to give me a break.

So we’re going with the later, and karma better get its shit together before I pay it a visit.

Personal Updates

So March sucked. It unambiguously, furiously sucked with the power of a thousand industrial vacuums.

To keep it narrow: I had to fly back out to Spain on the back of a serious family emergency that kept me tied up in hospital limbo for nearly 2 weeks. And while I tried my best to work while taking turns in the ward, it’s extremely difficult to get anything done while you’re making sure someone doesn’t jump off their bed, rip their catheter out or instruct you to stop walking on the ceiling at 3, 4 and 5 am in the morning for eight consecutive days.

Largely thanks to my absence, and my body nosediving into its fourth round of covid on my return, my productivity dropped off, and with it, so did a huge chunk of my income.

I’m not gonna lie: my mental health has been playing chicken with depression for a minute and last month’s saga nearly turned said chicken into nuggets. However, somewhere along the fourth rewrite of this post I decided I was too busy to feel sorry for myself and that my time would be better used working out how to make life take those lemons back.

Possibly in combustible form.

(If you get it, you get it)


Illustrated rewards will remain closed this month. Assuming I catch a break from swatting lemons and that things actually proceed according to plan for once, I will open a new small batch in May.

Please note you can still purchase prints and the other merch, as well as mentorship sessions.


New prints have been added in A4 and A3 sizes:


As the motive behind the tier lock was to restrict new pledges beyond ability to fulfill rewards - and given the recent downturn in pledges - the limit on tiers has now been removed for all but the Mentor, Extreme and Ultimate tiers.

With that, the current available slots on limited tiers are:

  • Mentor Tier: 1 slot

    This tier entitles you to a private art session every month with ongoing support between lessons as well as 20 points a month to spend on starstickers. This tier is currently limited to 10 spots.

  • Extreme Tier: 1 slot

    This tier entitles you to 50 points a month on StarStickers to spend on rewards such as custom illustrations, the new prints or artbook (which there are few left of). This tier is currently limited to 20 spots.

In Closing

One of the toughest aspects of this job is keeping the boundaries between the personal and the professional air-tight and my hesitance on how to write this month’s update stemmed hugely from that very blurry line between soapboxing and being transparent about the issues keeping me from work.

While I wholeheartedly appreciate the support and sympathy I’ve been given throughout the last few weeks, I’d never want this to come across as an expectation or imposition. We’re all here for the art, and that comes first and foremost.

Plus, the struggle keeps giving me material to fill these posts with contrived analogies and outdated pop culture references. What's not to love?

Here, have some links to all the info nobody reads:


With love from the lemonade stand,




Life is crazy, friend. Balance is beyond difficult. I hope you achieve some balance and bring yourself some peace. You'll always have my support as well as many other lovely beings here 🤍

Tessariel Aerlinn

I'm sending you so many hugs and good vibes!


I eagerly await the day you illustrate a combustible lemon that burns the house down!