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I know this is going to sound inconsistently ^^' but I thought for a bit and decided that I will continue to share my projects with you here (as well as on Boosty). I love Patreon and all your wonderful comments and I wish this place would stay as warm and cozy as it is. So don't rush to unsubscribe. I hope you see something new here soon :3 It will be my gratitude to you for your support and warm wishes. Thank you for being with me all this time <3

As a reminder, there will be no subscription fee for December and all subsequent months until the situation clears up. But alas, new users cannot subscribe as well. So it's just you and me here :>



Oh no, the horror? Being stuck with a wonderful artist is not a bad thing at all. &lt;3


I will always appreciate seeing your art. This is very kind of you to do. All the best to you!