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I tried my best to return in December, but I couldn't finish it. I think i need more time. 😭

So my rest will continue in December , Sorry😢

But I am currently working and will try to come back in January.

I'll keep the posted even during the rest 

Thank you!😉



Trevor Bond

You work at your pace, and we will see you when you're feeling better. We'll be waiting!


Thank you. I am aiming to return in January, but I will put quality first.

Tinh Pham

Take your time. It looks like this Amazon hottie is worth the wait. Don't burn yourself out!


Thank you. This is just a rough piece So I don't know when I'm going to finish it. 😔 The next work will be a short comics below.😉


Because you're the best creator I'm waiting for my return. Take some time off to make a full recover.


Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey. No matter as your friend or one of your fans. I'll always stand by your side.


Thank you! I'm doing my best for the new work. I'm hoping to see you again as a new work soon.😉


Thank you for trusting me and waiting. So I can concentrate on the work without worrying. I'm going to keep trying to make a better art.😊