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Ok so you might have noticed that I've been sluggish with answering comments and correcting typos. That's because your artist is tired, milords and miladies patrons of the fine arts, and he needs to withdraw to the cheese den for a little while.

My family's coming to visit on the 21st and I'll stop around that time and for two weeks during which I'll reply to a lot of comments I missed and fix the accumulated typos. Thanks again for the continued support everyone. In the meanwhile, I'll keep the chappies coming.

Can't promise I won't cliff you though >:D

With all my love.



Young Youghurt

It sounds almost heretical but are two weeks enough of a rest for you my lord?


Have a good holiday!


Have a good break boss!

Júlio Soares

Hope u can rest well on this break


Take care and recharge your battery! 😂

Emily Gurnavage

"Bbbb-rrrr-eee-aaaa-kkkk" Hm. Tried sounding it out but I don't get it. Is it French for something? =p


Merry Christmas.


Sounds like we are absolutely going to end on a cliff

Elijah Overland

The Fr*nchoid returns to his lair to hibernate for the winter, gorge himself on wine and cheese, and conspire the destruction of the English


Have a great break and a nice relaxing merry christmas. Also a happey new year.

Cody Bloxham

Enjoy your cheese! Hope your break is a good one, and I look Forward to seeing what else you've got in store for us


Wait so we'll get a Changeling chapter but no Bob chapter the week of the 21st?


"Can't promise I won't cliff you though"I wouldn't want it any other way


'needs to withdraw to the cheese den for a little while.' First time I have ever heard this line. Didn't even know that a cheese den was a thing... Now I am a bit jealous that I don't have one...

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

I can promise I end my subscription, though. See you end of next year.


Only two weeks? Do make sure to take as much vacation as you need


have a nice vacation!


Mecanimus will cliff us with all his love

Adam Davies

Everyone needs some time off for wellbeing, love your work and always happy to wait. Feel totally okay with being 100% digitally disconnected during that time and not even looking at anything to do with your work.


Nooo cliff torture is the worst Take care though


Happy Holidays!


Have a good Xmas :)


I wish you a relaxing break, you deserve it, BUT, don't you dare cliff me, I will find you and eat all your cheese, to the last crumb, do you hear me, to the last crumb.


Jokes on you, I own a parachute! Weeee!