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It is time for the People to help Nestra pick her masked gleam name. You have until Mondayish when I write this part of the chapter. The People can offer suggestions in the comments which will count as poll options with the numbers of likes being the number of votes. Demon McDemonface will not be accepted.
I promise to commit to the most popular option provided it's not rude/overly offensive. 



Maw is too unrefined, Gourmet is accurate but I'm not sure it flows well. I'd personally switch daffodil with dandelion. Changeling is a bit too close to home. Crescent is a pretty good idea.


Dorian, as in Dorian Gray. Allusion to gray. Allusion to dealing with devils/demons. Dorian has two selves, the painting and the man. While Dorian Gray's indulgences are more varied, obsession with food is not out of line. It also sets the stage nicely for moral conflict between the demon self and the human mask. Thankyou for attending my TED Talk.