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Hello everyone, this is an advance warning that I will be taking two weeks off starting around that period. The cause is that I am securing my bloodline with the arrival of my second-born child. Yes the first one is satisfactory but how else can I grab one to beat the other? My dynasty shall prosper. Don't be alarmed if I disappear a bit before though we never know what can happen.

On an unrelated note, today is my birthday. Shower me with praise, minions!


daniel wingborg

All praise the supreme leader and may their reign last forever more. Also good job on the 2nd offspring. You never know when some uppity noble might take out the first one.


Have a nice day. Well… Birthday… A year closer to your inevitable demise. Reassuring. Have fun and maybe some presents? Just have a good time with the least amount of stress possible.


Happy Birthday, King! Congrats on your lineage and thanks for the heads up. LOL 🤴🏾


Happy birthday and congratulations, I hope everything goes great.


Ayee congrats and happy birthday!

Damon Null

And the people rejoiced. Yaaaaaay

M. Gunnarsson

NAAAAAAAAATS INGOOOONYAMAAAAAAAAAA SOMETHING SOMETHIIIIING SOMETHIIIIING I DON'T REMEMBER THE LYRIIIIIIIIICS Congratulations, oh glorious overnerd. May everything go smoothly and your sleep be relatively plentiful.