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As stated, vote on which story I should write next. The next project will not be abandoned, I will merely get to it after I finish Bob. The poll will run until April the first (no this is not a joke).

Every patron gets one vote. The story with the most votes gets picked first.

Edit: wish I could hide the result before the vote is down but... unless I'm mistaken, Patreon UI doesn't allow that.



No chapter today?


Good evening fellow waiting passengers. What are you guys doing while you wait for your weekly train to BOB-land? Anyone else alternating between their chosen activity and hitting the refresh button like me? :)

thomas j walters

reading on royal road and refreshing my Patreon is a nightly habit honestly.

The Uub

At this point my vote goes to Sidis. The way the world was built, explained, and gradually noticed by the MC easily let the readers imagination fill in blanks yet grasp the progression of the story at the same time. While the other story comes at the reader full face. While I don't mind a story beginning by dropping into a chase/action sequence, the concepts of introducing multiple people communicating, while speaking about as yet unmentioned characters, as well as dropping in-universe tech all in the space of two paragraphs seems a little rushed. The action sequence may ne fast paced, but world building should never be that frenetic. The story may well be very good, and my vote could change, but the intro would need to be reworked to allow the reader to come up for air a little easier than they are now.


Breaks my heart to hear that the Calamity will be over. This is my favorite story on RR. I guess all good things come to an end, even the best one. I wish we can learn more about the other continents before it's over.


The Winner of this vote will replace Journey, because it hast finished. The loser will eventually get Bobs Timeslot, but it wasnt implied that Bob would Finish soon


I'm going to vote for Changeling as it seems like a more interesting/novel idea than Sidis. However, as many other comments state, the introduction of the universe feels very rushed. Personally, I think you should add in a small slower paced introductory chapter that happens before the teasers events and provides more context. Maybe show the thieves actually committing the robbery, or the mc getting called in to stop them. Also, a magic system alone can already get pretty complex, so when futuristic tech like body upgrades get added in, many webnovels become very convoluted, so I'd recommend that you keep magic simple (so more like journey than calamity).


I was pretty sad when I thought Bob was winding up. Whew.

Doctor Zero

Vote for Sidis. He's a chipper little murder monkey. I like the cut of his jib.


I like both. I‘d rather have you write, what YOU like most, as that will probably be the best story in the end :)


But... Sidis is so fun, why choose changeling. It's cool, yes, but it's a bit too dark and dramatic for me.

Thomas Payne

I don’t like the phrase ‘finish Bob.’ I was hoping for years of updates. We have an empire to build.


Both looks great, I am looking forward to whichever wins


Do we have an idea of when Changeling will begin posting?