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I just need a break sorry I really need to outline or I'll fail both arcs. There will be no release next week. I'll use that to correct the tidal wave of typos, inconsistencies, and other mess plaguing the earlier chapters. Please don't kidnap me.



I did notice the last chapter was rougher than I tend to expect from you. Taking a break sounds like the right decision to me! I am sure I speak for most of us when I say we want your work to be the best it can be so we can enjoy it as much as possible, lol! Having to wait a couple extra weeks so you can get your ducks in a row and plan everything properly is fine by me.


No promisis on the last part! 😄


Sad but you’ve kept the quality super high and I’m sure we all appreciate that more than being a week behind on content


Too bad, but keeping this quality standard is worth the wait

L Pedersen

Don't worry, we put all the kidnapping plans on ice when your child was born.


Breaks are important! If you were a vampire author they would be an indulgence, but alas we are but human!


Yes, please outline away! Watch Chris Fox’s video on outlining or maybe it was his 5k words an hour video, but in effect the more detailed your outline the faster you can write. Just don’t fix any typos till your first proofread. Followed his instructions for the last few papers in my masters, works like a charm. Fastest 2k and 10k word papers I have ever written and for mid 90s on all of them!

Adrian Gorgey

Don't forget to rest and decompress if possible!

Melting Sky

Wise choice. I've seen other authors of web novels write themselves into a stress-induced and stress-inducing corner while trying to keep up with their release schedule and, in the end, it resulted in a meltdown that cost them their sanity and their series.


Take it easy man, I love your work but you gotta love yourself, I'll happily keep my pledge for a month or more without content if you need it, and I don't think I'm the only one.


On a side note, I don't consider Patron as a way to pay for your writing (i.e 4 chapters = 5 bucks) but more a way to support you as a writer because I believe and trust in your ability to create great stuff, and I want to support you as you walk this road


As someone who got myself in a stressful situation trying to write, I feel for you. Please take the time to rest up, decompress, and enjoy all that you have in life. We can be patient until you're rested, recharged, and reorganized again.


Kidnap you? Nooooo... Send tickle assassins after you? Oh yeessssss


Yeah I can't keep up all the time. I think creativity is not as reliable and constant as one may think.