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"Viv pestered in her mind about not getting bonked in her dreams by god-like dudes, like, ever." I must point out that Emric fucked her pretty good while she was asleep.


A few writing comments. The sentence where Koro thanks Viv (at the beginning, not the later one) needs punctuation, mostly commas. The phrase is "kiss and tell." "Afteeward." "Aura" -> "era." "less people there are, the less traces we leave." I'd add something at the end there like "We're at the sweet spot between defense and stealth for crossing these woods." And suggestion: perhaps Viv will find a monstrously large snail or other gastropod to munch on.


I wonder if we’ll see a dragon during this arc or do they live in the mountain ranges?


Yeah I left many mistakes I'll go over everything at once and reupload. Thx!


If we do see one in Kazar any time soon, I hope that it's impressed with how well Arthur is governing her territory and training her humans, especially for such a young dragon.


Thank you!


That ending was perfect

Melting Sky

The Deep Woods sounds like an amazing place to visit right up until it kills you.


So, how difficult is it going to be for somebody else to duplicate Viv's limb cloning spell? Also, does it have a silly name? :)




Anyone: oh, what a beautiful birb! Arthur: NOM!


No silly name and they just need to be a master of black mana manipulation eith the change meaning. It's a very short list.

Chad L.

Arthur best everything. More Arthur pls.

Morog T Tiny

to raise a healthy child, the parent must provide moral inculcation, education, and love/affection.


Arthur is adorable. When does Viv start openly calling her daughter in front of people? People already think she’s insane so it doesn’t matter lol.


I think she would hesitate because she is too aware of her 'surrogate' nature and doesn't think she's doing a very good job.


It's been a while since we had the stats. And nice end to the chapter :)


every finger touching her thumbs in a rhythmical danse . dance page 4/17

Yuval Roth

Never change Arthur, never change.