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Ah, Solfis, I feel the pain of her naming sensibilities too.


I guess people are less inclined to make fun of your made up spell names if you can disintegrate them them on the spot.

Morog T Tiny

while democracy is idealized, the USA is actually a representative republic and in this new land a benevolent dictatorship might actually be a better way to ensure others rights while building a culture that enshrines certain rights at its core. You need as a leader in this situation someone who doesn't want to lord it over others and maximize freedoms while creating a rule of law.


That is my favourite spell name by far


Honestly, democracy in a land like this, where charisma exists magically and embodied in classes I can only see leading to absolute disaster

Melting Sky

It's really not much different in our own modern world at this point. In the place of magic charisma, we have money that buys expertly crafted psychologically targeted manipulation that is fed pretty much directly into the visual and audio cortexes of the voter's brains. There have been studies and it's well over 90% of elections can be predicted in this nation simply by looking at who spent more on their ad campaign. Money and control over the media might as well be magic for how effective it is in controlling who wins elections in modern democracies. Mass media has forever changed our world.


Considering that she was starting to give her spells proper names and that she herself thought the names she gave her previous spells stupid, it doesn't make much sense for Viv to name her upgraded camo spell that name. At least when she isn't under the influence of mana poisoning. Still though, thanks for the chapter!

Morog T Tiny

after another reread my thought is instant ablative walls vs fireball/lightning bolt. someone can run through them but if they can stop a magic effect, then they really are useful.


Good cool-down chapter. I was vaguely afraid you were moving into a melodramatic arc where Viv had to hunt down her former lover turned lich. Typos: The golem returned shortly later with a [writing->writhing] revenant bearing a grey undershirt. ["]Congratulations!” Viv said with genuine pride It would also prevent the Enorian[s] from growing idle [Vic->Viv] coated herself with the armor


Found something to my concern about democracy, elections and leadership skills in chapter 19. <i>A country cannot survive if you kill of too many nobles. It is not just a question of administration. Nobles follow noble paths for which they are trained from early on. Lines of militias are well and good, but without commanders to bolster them, they are not used to their full potential. You can have as much light infantry as you want. An elite group of knights following a captain will plow right through it without stopping. It’s the same with monsters. Spears can keep them at bay, but you need archers wielding heavy bows to put arrow after arrow into their thick hides. Dedicated fighter who can split boulders with a single blow. Or mages.”</i> So, even if, when elected, you get some path option, youd still need to reach your current top to branch out. Also, how high can you level it... I think they need some way to bridge that gap between feudalism and democratic voted... policies(?) To make it work without missing on the power boost those 'noble'/leadership paths can get them.


The reason is in the same paragraph—she’s pissed at herself. The name is an expression of wry humour &amp; self-directed spite.


Leaders can get leader skills no matter how they get to power so the democratic election process is just another way for them to rise through the ranks. Nobles can be demoted too.


Thanks for the chapter


An unknown camouflage. That's a great turn of phrase.


It amuses me that she first criticises nationalists and then creates an identity narrative and involves the people in it.