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Scwe had me in fits.


Awww, don't worry Arthur, Mama is all right. Looks like the dragon cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Hopefully this revelation doesn't bring too much unwanted attention from unfriendly outside forces.



Melting Sky

That was adorable. I'm guessing the way Arthur cuddled up to Viv and was absorbing tons of mana was probably similar to what would have happened naturally with her draconic mother. It looks like when baby dragons reach the point in their development where their fiery breath manifests they need a ton of mana to catalyze the change. Farren's reaction was hilarious.


Chapter 66?

Morog T Tiny

just a note 2nd degree is blistered and red. 3rd degree is charred and dead. 2nd degree burn scars are typically mild and can heal.. 3rd degree leaves horrible scars without magic treatment. ;-)

Melting Sky

Yeah, what was described would be considered localized but extreme third-degree burns. If the burn makes it through the dermis to the underlying muscle it's 3rd degree. It sounds like it went down to the bone which is about as bad as a burn can get. I pity the fool who messes with Viv or Arthur in the future.


Yep, not charred just red is what she sees, but the reality is that with the water her flesh was steam cooked that's why it hurts so much.


Yessssss and there is also an emotional aspect. She had been absorbing mana for a long while before.

Gwendolyn Simmons-LaRose

I love Arthur so much, and with Varska dead and gone I hope she gets better. On the other hand, while this could simply be a literal cold, I think it'd also be fun for it to be something like accelerated growth. Rapid physical change causing overheating, expending mana and making increasing mana pool, and generally making her feel sick cause her body is going crazy.


Chapter number appears off. Went from 65 to 67. Or I missed a post somewhere.


Thank you!

william wallace

Before this is all over Arthur needs to light a pig on fire. In the middle of an enemy camp of at all possible.


It was really just her developing fire. Don't be too much in a hurry to see her become massive because it's a game changer.


Thanks for the chapter. :) Family is very important. And I'm sure the decision will pay off. ^^


Are you insane? They want the city to still be there when they're done!

Yuval Roth

Arthur's written squee was pretty hilarious.