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Ah raiding, it’s a word used without much weight quite frequently in fantasy, but it’s nasty. I’m looking forward to the confrontation next chapter. Thanks.


Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter. Nasty stuff, but it gives even more weight behind what she's going to have to do.


Was a mistake letting them go it seems. I wouldn’t mind seeing a short prince lancer POV if he’s going to be an interesting long term antagonist.


I have to be honest the prince makes less and less sense to me. So an new war is going to start what does he need for thwt war. Soldiers money and mages. How does he get those? By sending soldiers to fight his own people. By lossing two mages to take this vilage. Yes two he lost one in the battle then he is going to have to leave one behind. Next up, he took with him a lot of men of prime fighting age for what? To loot and pilage his own people than leave them behind for some reason. So he did have a lot of potential soldiers. So what does he gain from a thise losses. The relative small amounts of money thise people payed him for the land. Why not sell them the land in actual rebel territory. It have exactly the same effect. By the way the loss of the two mages was an expected result when he started the wholr thing. Loss of only one was the hope but planing for lossing two considering the enemy mage. So in place of coming inn and demanding an extra tax combind with men for his army like any smart lord he just losses resources for no real gain. I guess because mc needed an totally eveil enemy. I hope I am missing something but I cant see any way anyting that is happening her makes sense. Afther the war or afther the mine is operational yes can see that, at this point in time no.

The Stars Align

I agree on some points of the above, however all in all, what the prince does has historic precedent. From what information we currently have he seems to be greedy. What if the war is just a pretext ? He is the PRINCE, not the King. The Land he pillages owes no direct allegiance or taxes to him. Nor has the land payed any taxes to anyone until now. I totally agree for the KING it makes sense to demand tribute/tax. I also want to point out that royal banditry like this might be one of the reasons why there is a civil war in the first place. As for the mages, what information could he have possibly had? An exile living in a border city would not have joined the war effort and it seems like he was well prepared to handle her, as he demonstrated. As for Vivaine he could not have any idea of MONUMENTAL, TITANIC, HUMUNGOUS mistake he was about to make. he probably only got information like a black witch apprenticed to the exile. Not too much to worry about...


As Stars Align says historically IRL what the Prince is doing here is exactly the sort of thing the nobles would do to fund their wars. Preying on groups with little to no social or legal power to squeeze them for money was normal. The Jewish people were persecuted numerous times because of this though ostensibly the nobles would use other reasons (religious) as political cover for taking their wealth or flat out killing them. Having someone with power come along and play hero (however grudgingly) was the fly in the Prince's ointment here and to be fair that really isn't the sort of thing that normally happens. Also letting the mercenary based troops loot and pillage the surrounding area without legal repercussions was a common way to "pay" for their services too. That was true all the through up until the mid-ish 1700's I believe. At least in Europe and the colonies anyways. Dunno about Asia. Privateers (state sponsored pirates) used to be common back then for just that reason. I think even the US would grant Letters of Marque for a (brief) while and that was during the very late 1700's/early 1800's.


"So he is an rebel just the 3rd side in the war?" If he wins all sins are "forgiven". He appears to have been very confident in how things would play out.


As the others mentioned, he's acquiring money through ways that used to be common. Kazar was only technically part of the kingdom and didn't pay taxes so they are not his people at all. He is not a third side, he is just acting as a noble with little honor would. Last, the amount sold by taking a whole village and selling its people as slaves is enormous. You should know about real estate prices. Slave prices were high as well. And last, his soldiers would have returned to Enoria at the end of the year were it not for Viv's action. Without her the plan would have worked without a hitch.


It was indeed. Don't worry the prince will not remain faceless forever.

Johannes Oest

Also there was information about the mine. I believe he wanted to sell the position of a fully regenerated mine or something like that. That would also be a way to make money or asks for favors / weapons / soldiers


There was an powerfull mage there, so I whould think considering how everyone react to mages that the loss of two of them is worth quite a bit of money. Might be that one of them is paying him to get the vilage, but if not...


If you are talking about Varska, she would never have followed him anyway. She is not even Enorian.

Kevin Choi

The whole villain Corel thing using Viv as the anti-christ as motivation seems like a big stretch. Hard to suspend my disbelief.

Morog T Tiny

my concern is the food. If the hill people provide food for the military I would assume that is alot of tubers.. root veggies. I remember stories of my grand parents and they would live on root veggies and beans and onions for most of the year. I guess what I am saying is if they can provide enough extra for military rations then there really is no food shortage. there is a lack of diversity in the diet but as written so far, no one would starve.. and they can hunt outside of the dead zone.


There is a huge amount of historical precedent for demonizing enemy leadership though, especially in the cultures that seem similar to enoria


I mean, its the prince that's actually doing it, and with skill-backed powers of persuasion. So it's definitely possible. And why not do it? The creepy black witch who kind of fell into a leadership role is an easy target. I'm not sure what seems hard to believe about it. I would have a harder time believing she wasn't immediately demonized by a politician, thats kind of what they do best.


Tbh I was afraid that nobody going after her would be the hardest part to believe. 1200 people and not a single idiot? That would have been a stretch lol. Anyway.


Thing is it’s just before the harvest so there will be food eventually just not enough and not on time. Or at least that’s how it works for me.

Morog T Tiny

It really depends on the crop cycle, perhaps you could make it really long or show that they have 2 months of food and crops would be ripe in 4. .. but then just hunting has to be shown as harder because drying meat would enable people to survive, or just using identify to locate edible flora. I love the story, just this element of food as the conflict driver in what to me looks like a world of plenty makes me go hmm.


I’m not sure I should add a few words, but basically they don’t have enough for the 1200 people who relied on the vast expanse of farmland. They only have about twenty hunters plus the Hadals. It’s not that much considering that the forest hunting grounds are very far. There is also the Yries to consider.

Kevin Choi

Just seems like its very personal for Corel, when the two have had little contact. Sure the Prince could be wanting to spread rumors, but all he really knows is that she's an enemy of Corel and being rather annoying to his short term plans. If you were Prince why would you waste time on a random hedge witch out in the boonies?


Well I can explain my reasoning if it can make you accept the story as more believable. I hope it does. Corel hates Viv because he really deeply loved Resh and associates Viv’s coming with the end of twenty years of prosperity. It’s not the most rational reason but I think that I can’t make all my characters entirely rational or the story won’t be believable. As for the Prince, to him she’s just not a random hedge witch. She is someone who cost him a ton of money and marred his success and track record. Incidentally it doesn’t cost him much to unleash a pack of unruly asshole on his neighbors instead of waiting for them to mess with the territory he controls. He’s all about cost and benefit. I usually leave all of this in the background as I think the story is believable, but I’m wondering if I should not expose the prince’s thoughts now.


I mean. I understood what was going on. it’s fairly obvious what thought chains people would have.


i'm speechless, how do you gdamn manage that so often?

Melting Sky

If anything, I think their food situation would realistically be MUCH worse than it is. The only reason it really gets a pass is the fact that its been established already that the mountain folk's primary export is food used to make military rations. Unless I am missing something, these mountain villages are not the home to a huge agricultural empire. These are rural small-scale farming villages one step above subsistence farming carving a harsh life out of an even harsher environment.

Melting Sky

The only reason the Prince's plan failed was the local autistic ninja scouted his army's approach providing an advanced warning. That and he vastly underestimated the local leadership's ability to mobilize against him. It was supposed to be a quick and technically legal smash and grab. Instead, he showed up and got a bloody nose by stepping into the ambush they left behind and found the fat honey pot of slaves and wealth he had been expecting had vanished into the deadlands. Now he has to deal with the blowback from a bunch of pissed-off men he promised women and coin to. Worse yet he faces a rapidly organizing resistance movement lead by a powerful black magic caster with a leadership class and an ancient war golem with the distilled military expertise of an empire. He has no clue what's up in those cursed mountains aligning against him. Everything he sends out there just vanishes. He thinks it's some hedge witch and some clueless peasants, maybe some wandering undead, not the start of an organized rebellion.


Ahh damn, my bingereading ends. Lovely story so far, hated the romwnce part so i was happy to see it turn into a motivation point for the plot when the lover died. All in all, ome of thr best stories ive read thia year


Hi Mecanimus can you please consider having Bob cut out prince lancers tongue and feed it to Arthur when the time comes


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