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Young Youghurt

Now Solfis only needs to start singing: "I will make a killer out of you!"


Rejoice fleshbags!


Excellent development for the new Vivistani Army. How old is Viv, BTW?


Solfis has minions~


Thank you!

william wallace

When solfis was doing his drill sergeant act i was totally imagining HK-47 crossed with R Lee Ermey.

Melting Sky

Those odds... Solfis is seriously confident Vivian will either rise to become a new power in the region or die trying. That greedy turd of a prince has no idea how big a hornets' nest he just kicked over. (◣_◢) Solfis and Vivian meeting was truly serendipity, a match made in Heaven or Hell depending on which side you end up on.

Melting Sky

Actually, this brings up an interesting question. What are life expectancies like in this world as far as dying of old age goes? I imagine people with high life mana attunement and endurance can probably live at least a bit longer than average? We've seen how something like high black attunement can drastically cut a lifespan short. I'm guessing becoming a quasi-elemental is something akin to a Lich in that the person is no longer a purely mundane creature of flesh and blood and probably isn't subject to a lot of the same limitations and benefits that being a fleshy comes with. Energy beings probably don't age the same way that their fleshy counterparts do.


I think I mentioned that people with huge stats live very long, it's just that most people will never reach that age.

Melting Sky

It's also very fitting that the system only indicates she has more luck, not whether it is good or bad. I think it's been equal parts of both.


Thanks for pointing out the terry pratchett Easter egg this time.. wouldn‘t have found it otherwise


I'm wondering what will happen when she figures out someone killed the old mayor for her to become ruler. Solfis and the assasin certainly know, did they do it, which one of them, did they act in concert. Did lorn do it. Im guessing its the hadal, but i suspect solfis can be far more sneaky than ge shows.


beastling tied beastling tide